Reliable low cost modem

Gert Doering (
Thu, 12 Feb 1998 10:44:53 +0100


Richard Ayotte wrote:
> I've tried everything to get mgetty-sendfax 1.11 to get
> my USR sportster 33.6 to send a fax to a plain ol'e fax
> machine with no luck. (I've faxed to this fax machine
> with Hylafax on Linux and with Windows95 Exchange so I
> know this fax-modem works) I've tried all the
> recommended tricks in the policy.h like increasing the
> delay to 500ms (I know, I'm reaching) but I keep on
> getting this error (I know reported many times)
> fax_wait_for: string 'AT+FDT'
> fax_wait_for: string '+FCS:1,3,0,2,0,0,0,0'
> transmission par.: '+FCS:1,3,0,2,0,0,0,0'
> fax_wait_for: string '+FCS:1,3,0,2,0,0,0,0'
> transmission par.: '+FCS:1,3,0,2,0,0,0,0'
> fax_wait_for: string '+FCS:1,3,0,2,0,0,0,0'
> transmission par.: '+FCS:1,3,0,2,0,0,0,0'
> fax_wait_for: string '+FHS:25'
> connection hangup: '+FHS:25'
> (DCS sent three times without response)** found **

As you can see in the mgetty mailing list archives, this is a well known
problem of the USR Sportster series. Sometimes they just are not able to
make a connection with the remote machine.

*From your description, this seems to be a bug in the class 2.0 firmware,
as Win95 usually only uses class 1 (and Hylafax can do both), and class 1
excercises different parts of the modem firmware.

In any case, please report this with a full log file *including the remote
phone number for tests* to US Robotics / 3com, and ask them to fix it.
These "my USR Sportster modem cannot fax" problems are a real nuisance

> Here is what I'm looking for...
> 1. Is this a USR FAX CLASS 2 compatibility problem that
> Hylafax and MS Exchange/Win95 are working around or is
> this an mgetty-sendfax problem?

USR Couriers are very good, USR Sportsters have very bad fax (class 2.0)

> 2. If it's a USR problem, can anyone tell me if USR has
> corrected the problem in their new modems 

AFAIK, no.

> and if not,
> what reliable low cost (~$150) modem would you
> recommend (I can't afford the $350 ZyXel 1496 cause if
> I could, I wouldn't be writing this :)

Try getting a *used* 1496. They are sold for about 30 to 70 US$ (approx.)


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Gert Doering - Munich, Germany
fax: +49-89-35655025