Mgetty timeout on fax commands

Erik Corry (
Wed, 11 Feb 1998 14:38:38 +0100

Due to an incorrect modem init string and a poorly programmed
modem I had a problem where the modem would sometimes hang and
not respond. The log looked like this:

02/09 22:06:49 yS1 mgetty: experimental test release 1.1.9-Aug17
02/09 22:06:49 yS1 check for lockfiles
02/09 22:06:49 yS1 locking the line
02/09 22:06:50 yS1 WARNING: DCD line still active, check modem settings (AT&Dx)
02/09 22:06:50 yS1 lowering DTR to reset Modem
02/09 22:06:50 yS1 send: ATM0[0d]
02/09 22:06:50 yS1 mdm_send: 'AT+FCLASS=2'
02/09 22:07:00 yS1 Warning: got alarm signal!

At that point there would be no response, and mgetty would hang
for up to several days. It seems to me there should be a timeout
there. Perhaps there is, as you see I don't have the absolute
newest version (though it is the version in Red Hat 5 I think).

I altered the reset string, and now the problem has disappeared.
In the logs I now get:

02/10 08:20:35 yS1 mgetty: experimental test release 1.1.9-Aug17
02/10 08:20:35 yS1 check for lockfiles
02/10 08:20:35 yS1 locking the line
02/10 08:20:36 yS1 WARNING: DCD line still active, check modem settings (AT&Dx)
02/10 08:20:36 yS1 lowering DTR to reset Modem
02/10 08:20:36 yS1 send: ATZ&D3M0[0d]
02/10 08:20:36 yS1 waiting for ``OK''
02/10 08:20:37 yS1 found action string: ``NO CARRIER''
02/10 08:20:37 yS1 init chat failed, exiting...: Invalid argument
02/10 08:20:37 ##### failed in mg_init_data, dev=ttyS1, pid=19513
02/10 08:20:37 yS1 mgetty: experimental test release 1.1.9-Aug17
02/10 08:20:37 yS1 check for lockfiles
02/10 08:20:37 yS1 locking the line
02/10 08:20:38 yS1 lowering DTR to reset Modem
02/10 08:20:38 yS1 send: ATZ&D3M0[0d]
02/10 08:20:38 yS1 waiting for ``OK'' ** found **
02/10 08:20:39 yS1 mdm_send: 'AT+FCLASS=2' -> OK
02/10 08:20:39 yS1 mdm_send: 'AT+FCLASS=0' -> OK

I'm not sure whether mgetty is terminating there, but initd
restarts it again, so I don't really care.

Erik Corry - I do not speak for Sign-Tronic A/S