PBM to something smaller :)

Frank D. Cringle (fdc@cliwe.ping.de)
Tue, 10 Feb 1998 21:27:08 +0100

Sebastian Fritsch <s.fritsch@usa.net> writes:
> Hello,
> ok PBM is a very basically format to be a gateway from one format to
> another where no gateway is available.
> But, sorry, I don't have a good docu, please tell me how to convert from
> pbm (black'n'white) to tiff black'n'white, too.

pnmtotiff comes with netpbm (and pbmplus?).

faxtotiff goes straight from g3 to tiff and comes with libtiff from

% pnmtotiff -\?
usage: pnmtotiff [-none|-packbits|-lzw|-g3|-g4]
	[-msb2lsb|-lsb2msb] [-2d] [-fill] [-predictor n]
	[-rowsperstrip n] [pnmfile]

% fax2tiff -\?
fax2tiff: illegal option -- ?
usage: fax2tiff [options] input.g3...
where options are:
 -2   input data is 2d encoded
 -B   input data has min 0 means black
 -L   input data has LSB2MSB bit order (default)
 -M   input data has MSB2LSB bit order
 -W   input data has min 0 means white (default)
 -R #   input data has # resolution (lines/inch) (default is 196)
 -o out.tif  write output to out.tif
 -1   generate 1d-encoded output (default is G3 2d)
 -4   generate G4-encoded output (default is G3 2D)
 -c   generate "classic" TIFF format (default is TIFF/F)
 -f   generate TIFF Class F (TIFF/F) format (default)
 -m   output fill order is MSB2LSB (default is LSB2MSB)
 -p   do not byte-align EOL codes in output (default is byte-align)
 -s   stretch image by duplicating scanlines
 -v   print information about conversion work

Frank Cringle, fdc@cliwe.ping.de
voice: (+49 2304) 467101; fax: 943357