modems and the "Erdtaste"

Gert Doering (
Tue, 10 Feb 1998 16:17:33 +0100


Robert Frank wrote:
> I would like to ask if anyone has information about modems that support the
> "Erdtaste" (which might be a german specific feature), that I need at the
> office.

No idea. "Erdtaste" is something really weird - you do a short circuit
from one of the A/B lines to ground. Decent modems have flash (a short
short circuit between A and B), but I know of no modems with "Erdtaste".

> I know that Blatzheim sells a GVC GM-288V+ / FAX (V.34+) modem which is able
> to use the "Erdtaste". Does mgetty / vgetty /sendfax support GVC modems?

GVCs should work - pretty standard Rockwell modem, but a good one.

> Is it possible to emulate the "Erdtaste" via an AT command?

I have no idea how the GVC's want to be told about "Erdtaste", but for a
generic modem, it is not possible.

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Gert Doering - Munich, Germany
fax: +49-89-35655025