new mvm beta

Sun, 8 Feb 1998 09:34:25 +0100

you will find the latest mvm beta. The latest changes are:

 Changes from V1.2 to V1.3
 - Integration (partial) of french numbers.
 - Exemple of param_cmd (e.g. for fax reply).
 - comments and possibly autoinstall of adds_on/*
 - complete/correct (e.g. detect mode, french numbers with
  automatic conversion, etc.)
 - Maybe in the introductory message detect CALLING_TONE and do
  a modem switch if mode is special.
 - read mail: arrange for possibility to do next message, etc.
  from message play.
 - Allow handling of 1496 and DTMF in recorded message filtering.
 - use standard rsynth, not a hacked one.
 - Handling of NO_VOICE_ENERGY in recording (or AT something see FAQ).
  At least should not END.
 - public messaging system
 - user edition
 - crypt() for passwords
 - not running under root.
 - reading of UNIX mail
 - sending of sounds through e-mail both directions (MIME)
 - complete manual for all the menu item types.
 - edit_menu implemented as a menu (global LAST_MENU)
 - An area is a directory in $VOICEMAIL/areas/. The lists
  of areas (audio file) is in $VOICEMAIL_AREAS and is used
  in area_select. The file area.config in an area dir contains
	- access level for the area, checked in area_exists
	- read level for the area
	- write level for the area
	- operator level for the area
	- owner of the area.
	- description file (usually area.description)
	- title file (usually area.title)
  Messages are numbered according with date, time, process and
  creating user to avoid locking.
 - area editor
 - general message selector and editor
 - see menu_item_types

 Changes from V1.1 to V1.2 (released 23/08/97)
 - play_file_and_dtmf for hotkey/multi-hotkey support.
 - Tested for 2864, 1496 and a USR (which one?)
 - renamed functions
 - started areas implementation
 - adds_on/french_numbers
 - corrected security (access level were not enforced, except for
  operator-only functions and the function needing identification)
 - Mode can be either normal (modem/fax or voice if DTMF before 2 sec)
  or unconditional (always voice).

 Changes from V1.0 to V1.1
 - Playing of the menu description done in the loop.
 - Implemented 4 (record welcome message) and corrected editmenunewitem.
 - Corrected editmenu to allow save/abort. Before would not work.
 - Removed the welcome (name of file in file) concept.
 - does install menu_item_types in spool directory.
 - adds_on/mail_to_voice created.
 - Distribution of sources of randomfile.

More information on the faxback functionnality:

> A. Answers in voice. Authenticates just exactly as your mvm Utility.
> B. Request users for a fax No. to send faxes to
> C. Request to start fax machine for the caller to send a fax.
> D. Route the fax as e-mail to the Fax server
> E. Log the user for there Requested fax No. and Time.

The skeleton for this has been done, look for

Look specifically for:
 voice/main/commands (the new command type param_cmd takes a
     description file as argument, the example
     is main menu DTMF '8' with a logged-on user
     (level 1, else put 0 there))
     this file contains four arguments, one is the
     audio file sent to the user before requesting the
     user's fax number, the second is the script to
     run when it is known, the third the message when
     fax queuing was ok, and the last the message
     when not.
     this is the work-horse. It currently just
     sends a mail to root with the phone number and
     the account number on the vm. THIS NEEDS
     it for you if I know the format of the fax
     mail server mail to be sent).

NB: the audio files in the description files have to be created by you,
they are not in the standard generation file. Edit MESSAGES and generate.

Except from the itself, nothing else should have changed
unless you have a very old version.
