Not able to receive some faxes on USR Sportster flash

"Robert J. Brown" (
Fri, 6 Feb 1998 19:48:16 +0100

>>>>> "Gert" == Gert Doering <> writes:

 Gert> I think we should work together with USR on fixing this. We
 Gert> need a range of good low-budget modems that can do fax fine,
 Gert> and USR could fit our needs as all the Rockwell based crap
 Gert> can't do class 2[.x] anymore.

I bought a Rockwell based modem in November because I needed 56KFlex
capability to support a client. I choose the "Practical Peripherals
56K Mini Tower" because it said on the box it supported class-2 fax.
I haven't tried it with mgetty or sendfax yet, as I needed it for a
ppp link. Does anybody know how this model performs? PS It does
*NOT* support voice functions, so that's where the ROM for class-2
came from.

-------- "And there came a writing to him from Elijah" [2Ch 21:12] --------
Robert Jay Brown III 1 847 705-0424
Elijah Laboratories Inc.; 37 South Greenwood Avenue; Palatine, IL 60067-6328
----- M o d e l i n g t h e M e t h o d s o f t h e M i n d ------