Srange modem hangup

Dirk Gajewski (
Thu, 5 Feb 1998 09:40:09 +0100

I am afraid it is not a mgetty specific problem but
I know no better place to post this question:

I use mgetty 1.1.8 and Linux 2.0.32 (Debian 1.3.1)
on two machines, both are connected to USR Couriers
puchased in 1997.

Dialing from box 1 to box 2 using ppp (box 2 is server)
runs like a charme.
Using callback from box 2 to 1 and firing up ppp (box 2 as
server) works for about 7-9 minutes
then the modem hangs up (now I realize that it is even not clear
to me which modem hangs up). Both modems are configured the same
way (at&f1). How can I debug the situation?
Which logs I should look at since callback and mgetty have
finished the operation (am I right?). The ppp.log does not give 
indications for particular problems? Do I have to check packets?
Is it a modem problem?

Any advice is appreciated!