Rockwell problems.

Jeremy Hansen (
Thu, 5 Feb 1998 03:16:32 +0100

Ok, I have a Zoom 2800 PnP modem, which uses Rockwell
chipset. I'm having problem playing the greeting. I
took a 7200hz wav file and converted using wavtopvf and
then with pvftormd Rockwell 4 etc. Here's the output from
one attempt.

02/04 21:11:06 yS1 vgetty: experimental test release 0.7.4 / 21Jan98
02/04 21:11:06 yS1 mgetty: experimental test release 1.1.12-Jan27
02/04 21:11:06 yS1 reading generic configuration from config file /usr/local/etc/mgetty+sendfax/voice.conf
02/04 21:11:06 yS1 reading program vgetty configuration from config file /usr/local/etc/mgetty+sendfax/voice.conf
02/04 21:11:06 yS1 reading port ttyS1 configuration from config file /usr/local/etc/mgetty+sendfax/voice.conf
02/04 21:11:06 yS1 reading /usr/local/etc/mgetty+sendfax/voice.conf...
02/04 21:11:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'part generic'
02/04 21:11:06 yS1 found CT_KEYWORD part generic
02/04 21:11:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'voice_log_level 6'
02/04 21:11:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'voice_dir /var/spool/voice'
02/04 21:11:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'phone_owner root'
02/04 21:11:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'phone_group phone'
02/04 21:11:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'phone_mode 0660'
02/04 21:11:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'message_flag_file .flag'
02/04 21:11:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'receive_dir incoming'
02/04 21:11:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'message_dir messages'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'message_list Index'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'backup_message standard.rmd'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'port_speed 38400'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'voice_shell /bin/sh'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'port_timeout 10'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'dial_timeout 90'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'command_delay 100'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'dtmf_len 30'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'dtmf_threshold 40'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'dtmf_wait 7'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'ignore_fax_dle false'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'raw_data false'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'rec_compression 0'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'rec_speed 0'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'rec_silence_len 70'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'rec_silence_threshold 40'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'rec_remove_silence false'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'rec_max_len 300'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'rec_min_len 0'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'do_hard_flow true'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'beep_frequency 933'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'beep_length 1500'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'max_tries 3'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'retry_delay 5'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'watchdog_timeout 60'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'receive_gain -1'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'transmit_gain -1'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'enable_command_echo false'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'poll_interval 10'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'program vgetty'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'rings 3'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'answer_mode voice:fax:data'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'force_autodetect false'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'toll_saver_rings 0'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'rec_always_keep true'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'button_program '
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'call_program '
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'dtmf_program'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'message_program '
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'do_message_light false'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'program vm'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'voice_devices ttyS1'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'dialout_timeout 90'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'program pvf'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'port ttyS0'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 section: port ttyS0, ignore
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'port ttyS5'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 section: port ttyS5, ignore
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'ring_type virtual'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'answer_mode fax:data'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'ring_type ring'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 conf lib: read: 'ring_type ring1'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'part', type=6, flags=4, data=(ignored)
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'program', type=6, flags=4, data=(ignored)
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'port', type=6, flags=4, data=(ignored)
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'ring_type', type=6, flags=4, data=(ignored)
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'voice_log_level', type=0, flags=3, data=6
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'voice_devices', type=1, flags=0, data=(empty)
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'port_speed', type=0, flags=3, data=38400
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'port_timeout', type=0, flags=3, data=10
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'dtmf_len', type=0, flags=3, data=30
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'dtmf_threshold', type=0, flags=3, data=40
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'dtmf_wait', type=0, flags=3, data=7
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'rec_compression', type=0, flags=3, data=0
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'rec_speed', type=0, flags=3, data=0
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'rec_silence_len', type=0, flags=3, data=70
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'rec_silence_threshold', type=0, flags=3, data=40
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'rec_remove_silence', type=3, flags=3, data=FALSE
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'rec_max_len', type=0, flags=3, data=300
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'receive_gain', type=0, flags=3, data=-1
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'transmit_gain', type=0, flags=3, data=-1
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'rings', type=1, flags=3, data=3
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'answer_mode', type=1, flags=3, data=voice:fax:data
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'toll_saver_rings', type=0, flags=3, data=0
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'rec_always_keep', type=3, flags=3, data=TRUE
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'voice_dir', type=1, flags=3, data=/var/spool/voice
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'phone_owner', type=1, flags=3, data=root
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'phone_group', type=1, flags=3, data=phone
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'phone_mode', type=0, flags=3, data=432
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'message_flag_file', type=1, flags=3, data=.flag
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'receive_dir', type=1, flags=3, data=incoming
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'message_dir', type=1, flags=3, data=messages
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'message_list', type=1, flags=3, data=Index
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'backup_message', type=1, flags=3, data=standard.rmd
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'dialout_timeout', type=0, flags=1, data=90
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'beep_frequency', type=0, flags=3, data=933
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'beep_length', type=0, flags=3, data=1500
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'raw_data', type=3, flags=3, data=FALSE
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'max_tries', type=0, flags=3, data=3
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'retry_delay', type=0, flags=3, data=5
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'voice_shell', type=1, flags=3, data=/bin/sh
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'button_program', type=1, flags=3, data=
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'call_program', type=1, flags=3, data=
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'dtmf_program', type=1, flags=3,
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'message_program', type=1, flags=3, data=
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'do_message_light', type=3, flags=3, data=FALSE
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'do_hard_flow', type=3, flags=3, data=TRUE
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'force_autodetect', type=3, flags=3, data=FALSE
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'watchdog_timeout', type=0, flags=3, data=60
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'rec_min_len', type=0, flags=3, data=0
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'command_delay', type=0, flags=3, data=100
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'ignore_fax_dle', type=3, flags=3, data=FALSE
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'dial_timeout', type=0, flags=3, data=90
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'enable_command_echo', type=3, flags=3, data=FALSE
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 key: 'poll_interval', type=0, flags=3, data=10
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 check for lockfiles
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 checklock: no active process has lock, will remove
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 locking the line
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 makelock(ttyS1) called
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS1'
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 lock made
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 tio_get_rs232_lines: status: RTS CTS DSR DTR
02/04 21:11:07 yS1 lowering DTR to reset Modem
02/04 21:11:08 yS1 tss: set speed to 38400 (017)
02/04 21:11:08 yS1 tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
02/04 21:11:08 yS1 waiting for line to clear (VTIME), read: 
02/04 21:11:08 yS1 send: \dATQ0V1H0[0d]
02/04 21:11:08 yS1 waiting for ``OK''
02/04 21:11:08 yS1 got: ATQ0V1H0[0d]
02/04 21:11:08 yS1 CND: ATQ0V1H0[0d][0a]OK ** found **
02/04 21:11:08 yS1 send: ATS0=0Q0&D3&C1[0d]
02/04 21:11:08 yS1 waiting for ``OK''
02/04 21:11:08 yS1 got: [0d]
02/04 21:11:08 yS1 CND: OK[0a]ATS0=0Q0&D3&C1[0d]
02/04 21:11:08 yS1 CND: ATS0=0Q0&D3&C1[0d][0a]OK ** found **
02/04 21:11:08 yS1 mdm_send: 'ATI'
02/04 21:11:08 yS1 got:[0d][0a]ATI[0d]
02/04 21:11:08 yS1 got:[0d][0a]33600[0d]
02/04 21:11:08 yS1 mdm_gis: string 1: '33600'
02/04 21:11:08 yS1 got:[0a][0d][0a]OK[0d]
02/04 21:11:08 yS1 mdm_identify: string '33600'
02/04 21:11:08 yS1 Generic Rockwell modem (33600)
02/04 21:11:08 yS1 mdm_send: 'ATI3'
02/04 21:11:08 yS1 got:[0a]ATI3[0d]
02/04 21:11:08 yS1 got:[0d][0a]V2.000-V34_ACF_DP1 -h Z201-2800[0d]
02/04 21:11:08 yS1 mdm_gis: string 1: 'V2.000-V34_ACF_DP1 -h Z201-2800'
02/04 21:11:08 yS1 got:[0a][0d][0a]OK[0d]
02/04 21:11:08 yS1 mdm_send: 'ATI4'
02/04 21:11:08 yS1 got:[0a]ATI4[0d]
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 got:[0d][0a]a007880284C6002F[0d]
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 mdm_gis: string 1: 'a007880284C6002F'
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 got:[0a][0d][0a]bC60000000[0d]
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 mdm_gis: string 2: 'bC60000000'
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 got:[0a][0d][0a]r1005111151012004[0d]
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 mdm_gis: string 3: 'r1005111151012004'
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 got:[0a][0d][0a]r3000111170000000[0d]
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 mdm_gis: string 4: 'r3000111170000000'
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 got:[0a][0d][0a]OK[0d]
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 additional info: 'a007880284C6002F'
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 modem quirks: 0004
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 mdm_send: 'AT+FCLASS=2'
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 got:[0a]AT+FCLASS=2[0d]
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 mdm_command: string 'AT+FCLASS=2'
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 got:[0d][0a]ERROR[0d]
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 mdm_command: string 'ERROR' -> ERROR
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 mdm_send: 'AT+FCLASS=2.0'
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 got:[0a]AT+FCLASS=2.0[0d]
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 mdm_command: string 'AT+FCLASS=2.0'
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 got:[0d][0a]ERROR[0d]
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 mdm_command: string 'ERROR' -> ERROR
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 mdm_send: 'AT+FCLASS=2'
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 got:[0a]AT+FCLASS=2[0d]
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 mdm_command: string 'AT+FCLASS=2'
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 got:[0d][0a]ERROR[0d]
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 mdm_command: string 'ERROR' -> ERROR
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 no class 2/2.0 faxmodem, no faxing available
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 tss: set speed to 38400 (017)
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 detecting voice modem type
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 vgetty: ATE0
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 serial port: ATE0
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 serial port: OK
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 voice command: 'ATI' -> ''
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 vgetty: ATI
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 serial port: 33600
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 Rockwell: OK
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 Rockwell detected
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 vgetty: queued event RESET_WATCHDOG at position 0000
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 initializing ROCKWELL voice modem
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 voice command: 'AT#CLS?' -> ''
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 vgetty: AT#CLS?
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 Rockwell: 0
02/04 21:11:09 yS1 voice command: '' -> 'OK'
02/04 21:11:10 yS1 Rockwell: OK
02/04 21:11:10 yS1 voice command: 'AT#CLS=8' -> 'OK'
02/04 21:11:10 yS1 vgetty: AT#CLS=8
02/04 21:11:10 yS1 Rockwell: OK
02/04 21:11:10 yS1 voice command: 'AT#VSP=70' -> 'OK'
02/04 21:11:10 yS1 vgetty: AT#VSP=70
02/04 21:11:10 yS1 Rockwell: <DLE> <h>
02/04 21:11:10 yS1 vgetty: queued event HANDSET_ON_HOOK at position 0001
02/04 21:11:10 yS1 Rockwell: 
02/04 21:11:10 yS1 Rockwell: OK
02/04 21:11:10 yS1 voice command: 'AT#VSD=0' -> 'OK'
02/04 21:11:10 yS1 vgetty: AT#VSD=0
02/04 21:11:10 yS1 Rockwell: OK
02/04 21:11:10 yS1 voice command: 'AT#VTD=3F,3F,3F' -> 'OK'
02/04 21:11:10 yS1 vgetty: AT#VTD=3F,3F,3F
02/04 21:11:10 yS1 Rockwell: OK
02/04 21:11:10 yS1 voice command: 'AT#VSS=1' -> 'OK'
02/04 21:11:10 yS1 vgetty: AT#VSS=1
02/04 21:11:10 yS1 Rockwell: OK
02/04 21:11:10 yS1 voice command: 'AT#CLS=0' -> 'OK'
02/04 21:11:10 yS1 vgetty: AT#CLS=0
02/04 21:11:10 yS1 Rockwell: OK
02/04 21:11:10 yS1 voice command: 'AT&K3' -> 'OK'
02/04 21:11:10 yS1 vgetty: AT&K3
02/04 21:11:10 yS1 Rockwell: OK
02/04 21:11:10 yS1 tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
02/04 21:11:10 yS1 waiting for line to clear (VTIME), read: 
02/04 21:11:11 yS1 removing lock file
02/04 21:11:11 yS1 waiting...
02/04 21:11:54 yS1 select returned 1
02/04 21:11:54 yS1 checking lockfiles, locking the line
02/04 21:11:54 yS1 makelock(ttyS1) called
02/04 21:11:54 yS1 do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS1'
02/04 21:11:54 yS1 lock made
02/04 21:11:54 yS1 vgetty: number of rings (3) was set directly
02/04 21:11:54 yS1 waiting for ``RING_''
02/04 21:11:54 yS1 got: [0d]
02/04 21:11:54 yS1 CND: OK[0a]RING[0d]
02/04 21:11:54 yS1 CND: RING ** found **
02/04 21:11:54 yS1 waiting for ``RING_''
02/04 21:11:54 yS1 got: [0a][0d][0a]RING[0d]
02/04 21:12:00 yS1 CND: RING ** found **
02/04 21:12:00 yS1 waiting for ``RING_''
02/04 21:12:00 yS1 got: [0a][0d][0a]RING[0d]
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 CND: RING ** found **
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 reading ring_type ring configuration from config file /usr/local/etc/mgetty+sendfax/voice.conf
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 reading /usr/local/etc/mgetty+sendfax/voice.conf...
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'part generic'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 found CT_KEYWORD part generic
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'voice_log_level 6'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'voice_dir /var/spool/voice'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'phone_owner root'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'phone_group phone'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'phone_mode 0660'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'message_flag_file .flag'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'receive_dir incoming'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'message_dir messages'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'message_list Index'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'backup_message standard.rmd'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'port_speed 38400'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'voice_shell /bin/sh'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'port_timeout 10'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'dial_timeout 90'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'command_delay 100'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'dtmf_len 30'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'dtmf_threshold 40'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'dtmf_wait 7'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'ignore_fax_dle false'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'raw_data false'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'rec_compression 0'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'rec_speed 0'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'rec_silence_len 70'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'rec_silence_threshold 40'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'rec_remove_silence false'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'rec_max_len 300'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'rec_min_len 0'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'do_hard_flow true'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'beep_frequency 933'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'beep_length 1500'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'max_tries 3'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'retry_delay 5'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'watchdog_timeout 60'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'receive_gain -1'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'transmit_gain -1'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'enable_command_echo false'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'poll_interval 10'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'program vgetty'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'rings 3'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'answer_mode voice:fax:data'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'force_autodetect false'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'toll_saver_rings 0'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'rec_always_keep true'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'button_program '
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'call_program '
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'dtmf_program'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'message_program '
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'do_message_light false'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'program vm'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'voice_devices ttyS1'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'dialout_timeout 90'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'program pvf'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'port ttyS0'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'port ttyS5'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'ring_type virtual'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 section: ring_type virtual, ignore
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'answer_mode fax:data'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'ring_type ring'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 section: ring_type ring, **found**
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 conf lib: read: 'ring_type ring1'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 section: ring_type ring1, ignore
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'part', type=6, flags=4, data=(ignored)
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'program', type=6, flags=4, data=(ignored)
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'port', type=6, flags=4, data=(ignored)
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'ring_type', type=6, flags=4, data=(ignored)
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'voice_log_level', type=0, flags=3, data=6
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'voice_devices', type=1, flags=0, data=(empty)
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'port_speed', type=0, flags=3, data=38400
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'port_timeout', type=0, flags=3, data=10
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'dtmf_len', type=0, flags=3, data=30
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'dtmf_threshold', type=0, flags=3, data=40
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'dtmf_wait', type=0, flags=3, data=7
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'rec_compression', type=0, flags=3, data=0
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'rec_speed', type=0, flags=3, data=0
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'rec_silence_len', type=0, flags=3, data=70
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'rec_silence_threshold', type=0, flags=3, data=40
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'rec_remove_silence', type=3, flags=3, data=FALSE
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'rec_max_len', type=0, flags=3, data=300
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'receive_gain', type=0, flags=3, data=-1
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'transmit_gain', type=0, flags=3, data=-1
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'rings', type=1, flags=3, data=3
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'answer_mode', type=1, flags=3, data=voice:fax:data
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'toll_saver_rings', type=0, flags=3, data=0
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'rec_always_keep', type=3, flags=3, data=TRUE
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'voice_dir', type=1, flags=3, data=/var/spool/voice
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'phone_owner', type=1, flags=3, data=root
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'phone_group', type=1, flags=3, data=phone
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'phone_mode', type=0, flags=3, data=432
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'message_flag_file', type=1, flags=3, data=.flag
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'receive_dir', type=1, flags=3, data=incoming
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'message_dir', type=1, flags=3, data=messages
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'message_list', type=1, flags=3, data=Index
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'backup_message', type=1, flags=3, data=standard.rmd
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'dialout_timeout', type=0, flags=1, data=90
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'beep_frequency', type=0, flags=3, data=933
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'beep_length', type=0, flags=3, data=1500
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'raw_data', type=3, flags=3, data=FALSE
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'max_tries', type=0, flags=3, data=3
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'retry_delay', type=0, flags=3, data=5
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'voice_shell', type=1, flags=3, data=/bin/sh
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'button_program', type=1, flags=3, data=
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'call_program', type=1, flags=3, data=
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'dtmf_program', type=1, flags=3,
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'message_program', type=1, flags=3, data=
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'do_message_light', type=3, flags=3, data=FALSE
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'do_hard_flow', type=3, flags=3, data=TRUE
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'force_autodetect', type=3, flags=3, data=FALSE
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'watchdog_timeout', type=0, flags=3, data=60
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'rec_min_len', type=0, flags=3, data=0
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'command_delay', type=0, flags=3, data=100
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'ignore_fax_dle', type=3, flags=3, data=FALSE
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'dial_timeout', type=0, flags=3, data=90
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'enable_command_echo', type=3, flags=3, data=FALSE
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 key: 'poll_interval', type=0, flags=3, data=10
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 vgetty: answer mode was set directly
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 vgetty: answer mode is [data|fax|voice]
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 vgetty: opening list file /var/spool/voice/messages/Index
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 vgetty: found 1 messages, picked message number 1
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 vgetty: message name is /var/spool/voice/messages/welcome.rmd
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 vgetty: entering voice mode
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 vgetty: Installing signal handlers
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 voice command: 'AT#CLS?' -> ''
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 vgetty: AT#CLS?
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 Rockwell: 0
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 voice command: '' -> 'OK'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 Rockwell: OK
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 voice command: 'AT#CLS=8' -> 'OK'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 vgetty: AT#CLS=8
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 Rockwell: OK
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 voice command: 'ATA' -> 'VCON'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 vgetty: ATA
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 Rockwell: <DLE> <h>
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 vgetty: queued event HANDSET_ON_HOOK at position 0002
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 Rockwell: 
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 Rockwell: VCON
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 playing voice file /var/spool/voice/messages/welcome.rmd
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 vgetty: raw modem data header found
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 vgetty: modem type Rockwell found
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 vgetty: compression method 0x0004, speed 7200, bits 4
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 vgetty: queued event RESET_WATCHDOG at position 0003
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 voice command: 'AT#VBS=4' -> 'OK'
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 vgetty: AT#VBS=4
02/04 21:12:06 yS1 Rockwell: OK
02/04 21:12:07 yS1 vgetty: unqueued event RESET_WATCHDOG at position 0000
02/04 21:12:07 yS1 vgetty: voice_handle_event got event RESET_WATCHDOG with data <
02/04 21:12:07 yS1 vgetty: unqueued event HANDSET_ON_HOOK at position 0001
02/04 21:12:07 yS1 vgetty: voice_handle_event got event HANDSET_ON_HOOK with data <
02/04 21:12:07 yS1 vgetty: unqueued event HANDSET_ON_HOOK at position 0002
02/04 21:12:07 yS1 vgetty: voice_handle_event got event HANDSET_ON_HOOK with data <
02/04 21:12:07 yS1 vgetty: unqueued event RESET_WATCHDOG at position 0003
02/04 21:12:07 yS1 vgetty: voice_handle_event got event RESET_WATCHDOG with data <o>
02/04 21:12:15 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:15 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:15 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte O from voice modem
02/04 21:12:15 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte K from voice modem
02/04 21:12:15 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:15 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:16 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:16 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:16 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte O from voice modem
02/04 21:12:16 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte K from voice modem
02/04 21:12:16 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:16 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:17 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:17 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:17 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte E from voice modem
02/04 21:12:17 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte R from voice modem
02/04 21:12:17 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte R from voice modem
02/04 21:12:17 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte O from voice modem
02/04 21:12:17 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte R from voice modem
02/04 21:12:17 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:17 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:18 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:18 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:18 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte O from voice modem
02/04 21:12:18 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte K from voice modem
02/04 21:12:18 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:18 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:18 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:18 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:18 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte E from voice modem
02/04 21:12:18 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte R from voice modem
02/04 21:12:18 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte R from voice modem
02/04 21:12:18 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte O from voice modem
02/04 21:12:18 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte R from voice modem
02/04 21:12:18 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:18 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:20 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:20 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:20 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte E from voice modem
02/04 21:12:20 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte R from voice modem
02/04 21:12:20 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte R from voice modem
02/04 21:12:20 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte O from voice modem
02/04 21:12:20 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte R from voice modem
02/04 21:12:20 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:20 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:21 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:21 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:21 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte E from voice modem
02/04 21:12:21 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte R from voice modem
02/04 21:12:21 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte R from voice modem
02/04 21:12:21 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte O from voice modem
02/04 21:12:21 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte R from voice modem
02/04 21:12:21 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:21 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:25 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:25 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:25 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte E from voice modem
02/04 21:12:25 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte R from voice modem
02/04 21:12:25 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte R from voice modem
02/04 21:12:25 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte O from voice modem
02/04 21:12:25 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte R from voice modem
02/04 21:12:25 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:25 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:27 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:27 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:27 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte O from voice modem
02/04 21:12:27 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte K from voice modem
02/04 21:12:27 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:27 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:34 yS1 vgetty: <VOICE DATA 108544 bytes>
02/04 21:12:34 yS1 vgetty: queued event RESET_WATCHDOG at position 0004
02/04 21:12:34 yS1 vgetty: unqueued event RESET_WATCHDOG at position 0004
02/04 21:12:34 yS1 vgetty: voice_handle_event got event RESET_WATCHDOG with data <_>
02/04 21:12:42 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:42 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:42 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:42 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:42 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:42 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:43 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:43 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:43 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte O from voice modem
02/04 21:12:43 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte K from voice modem
02/04 21:12:43 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:43 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:51 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:51 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:51 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte O from voice modem
02/04 21:12:51 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte K from voice modem
02/04 21:12:51 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:51 yS1 vgetty: unexpected byte _ from voice modem
02/04 21:12:51 yS1 vgetty: <VOICE DATA 66090 bytes>
02/04 21:12:51 yS1 vgetty: queued event RESET_WATCHDOG at position 0005
02/04 21:12:51 yS1 vgetty: queued event RESET_WATCHDOG at position 0006
02/04 21:12:51 yS1 voice command: 'AT#VTS=[933,0,15]' -> ''
02/04 21:12:51 yS1 vgetty: AT#VTS=[933,0,15]
02/04 21:12:52 yS1 voice command: '' -> 'OK'
02/04 21:12:52 yS1 Rockwell: OK
02/04 21:12:53 yS1 recording voice file /var/spool/voice/incoming/va03240.rmd
02/04 21:12:53 yS1 vgetty: queued event RESET_WATCHDOG at position 0007
02/04 21:12:53 yS1 voice command: 'AT#VBS=2' -> 'OK'
02/04 21:12:53 yS1 vgetty: AT#VBS=2
02/04 21:12:53 yS1 Rockwell: OK
02/04 21:12:53 yS1 vgetty: queued event RESET_WATCHDOG at position 0008
02/04 21:12:53 yS1 vgetty: unqueued event RESET_WATCHDOG at position 0005
02/04 21:12:53 yS1 vgetty: voice_handle_event got event RESET_WATCHDOG with data <_>
02/04 21:12:53 yS1 vgetty: unqueued event RESET_WATCHDOG at position 0006
02/04 21:12:53 yS1 vgetty: voice_handle_event got event RESET_WATCHDOG with data <_>
02/04 21:12:53 yS1 vgetty: unqueued event RESET_WATCHDOG at position 0007
02/04 21:12:53 yS1 vgetty: voice_handle_event got event RESET_WATCHDOG with data <d>
02/04 21:12:53 yS1 vgetty: unqueued event RESET_WATCHDOG at position 0008
02/04 21:12:53 yS1 vgetty: voice_handle_event got event RESET_WATCHDOG with data <o>
02/04 21:12:53 yS1 voice command: 'AT&K3' -> 'OK'
02/04 21:12:54 yS1 vgetty: AT&K3
02/04 21:12:54 yS1 Rockwell: OK
02/04 21:12:54 yS1 tio_set_flow_control( HARD XON_IN )
02/04 21:12:54 yS1 voice command: 'AT#VRX' -> 'CONNECT'
02/04 21:12:54 yS1 vgetty: AT#VRX
02/04 21:12:54 yS1 Rockwell: CONNECT
02/04 21:13:01 yS1 Rockwell: <DLE> <s>
02/04 21:13:01 yS1 vgetty: queued event NO_VOICE_ENERGY at position 0009
02/04 21:13:01 yS1 vgetty: unqueued event NO_VOICE_ENERGY at position 0009
02/04 21:13:01 yS1 vgetty: voice_handle_event got event NO_VOICE_ENERGY with data <_>
02/04 21:13:01 yS1 vgetty: <STOP RECORDING>
02/04 21:13:01 yS1 Rockwell: <VOICE DATA 12959 bytes>
02/04 21:13:01 yS1 Rockwell: <DLE> <ETX>
02/04 21:13:01 yS1 voice command: '' -> 'OK|VCON'
02/04 21:13:01 yS1 Rockwell: VCON
02/04 21:13:01 yS1 vgetty: trying data connection
02/04 21:13:01 yS1 voice command: 'AT#CLS=0' -> 'OK'
02/04 21:13:01 yS1 vgetty: AT#CLS=0
02/04 21:13:01 yS1 Rockwell: OK
02/04 21:13:02 yS1 voice command: 'AT+FAA=0' -> 'OK'
02/04 21:13:02 yS1 vgetty: AT+FAA=0
02/04 21:13:02 yS1 Rockwell: OK
02/04 21:13:02 yS1 vgetty: Restoring signal handlers
02/04 21:13:02 yS1 send: ATA[0d]
02/04 21:13:02 yS1 waiting for ``CONNECT''
02/04 21:13:02 yS1 got: [0d][0a]NO CARRIER
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 found action string: ``NO CARRIER''
02/04 21:13:48 ##### failed A_FAIL dev=ttyS1, pid=3240, caller='none', conn='', name=''

02/04 21:13:48 yS1 removing lock file
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 vgetty: experimental test release 0.7.4 / 21Jan98
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 mgetty: experimental test release 1.1.12-Jan27
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 reading generic configuration from config file /usr/local/etc/mgetty+sendfax/voice.conf
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 reading program vgetty configuration from config file /usr/local/etc/mgetty+sendfax/voice.conf
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 reading port ttyS1 configuration from config file /usr/local/etc/mgetty+sendfax/voice.conf
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 reading /usr/local/etc/mgetty+sendfax/voice.conf...
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'part generic'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 found CT_KEYWORD part generic
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'voice_log_level 6'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'voice_dir /var/spool/voice'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'phone_owner root'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'phone_group phone'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'phone_mode 0660'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'message_flag_file .flag'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'receive_dir incoming'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'message_dir messages'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'message_list Index'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'backup_message standard.rmd'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'port_speed 38400'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'voice_shell /bin/sh'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'port_timeout 10'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'dial_timeout 90'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'command_delay 100'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'dtmf_len 30'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'dtmf_threshold 40'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'dtmf_wait 7'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'ignore_fax_dle false'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'raw_data false'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'rec_compression 0'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'rec_speed 0'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'rec_silence_len 70'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'rec_silence_threshold 40'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'rec_remove_silence false'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'rec_max_len 300'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'rec_min_len 0'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'do_hard_flow true'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'beep_frequency 933'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'beep_length 1500'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'max_tries 3'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'retry_delay 5'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'watchdog_timeout 60'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'receive_gain -1'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'transmit_gain -1'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'enable_command_echo false'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'poll_interval 10'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'program vgetty'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'rings 3'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'answer_mode voice:fax:data'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'force_autodetect false'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'toll_saver_rings 0'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'rec_always_keep true'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'button_program '
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'call_program '
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'dtmf_program'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'message_program '
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'do_message_light false'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'program vm'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'voice_devices ttyS1'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'dialout_timeout 90'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'program pvf'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'port ttyS0'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 section: port ttyS0, ignore
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'port ttyS5'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 section: port ttyS5, ignore
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'ring_type virtual'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'answer_mode fax:data'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'ring_type ring'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 conf lib: read: 'ring_type ring1'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'part', type=6, flags=4, data=(ignored)
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'program', type=6, flags=4, data=(ignored)
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'port', type=6, flags=4, data=(ignored)
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'ring_type', type=6, flags=4, data=(ignored)
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'voice_log_level', type=0, flags=3, data=6
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'voice_devices', type=1, flags=0, data=(empty)
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'port_speed', type=0, flags=3, data=38400
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'port_timeout', type=0, flags=3, data=10
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'dtmf_len', type=0, flags=3, data=30
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'dtmf_threshold', type=0, flags=3, data=40
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'dtmf_wait', type=0, flags=3, data=7
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'rec_compression', type=0, flags=3, data=0
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'rec_speed', type=0, flags=3, data=0
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'rec_silence_len', type=0, flags=3, data=70
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'rec_silence_threshold', type=0, flags=3, data=40
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'rec_remove_silence', type=3, flags=3, data=FALSE
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'rec_max_len', type=0, flags=3, data=300
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'receive_gain', type=0, flags=3, data=-1
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'transmit_gain', type=0, flags=3, data=-1
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'rings', type=1, flags=3, data=3
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'answer_mode', type=1, flags=3, data=voice:fax:data
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'toll_saver_rings', type=0, flags=3, data=0
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'rec_always_keep', type=3, flags=3, data=TRUE
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'voice_dir', type=1, flags=3, data=/var/spool/voice
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'phone_owner', type=1, flags=3, data=root
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'phone_group', type=1, flags=3, data=phone
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'phone_mode', type=0, flags=3, data=432
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'message_flag_file', type=1, flags=3, data=.flag
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'receive_dir', type=1, flags=3, data=incoming
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'message_dir', type=1, flags=3, data=messages
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'message_list', type=1, flags=3, data=Index
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'backup_message', type=1, flags=3, data=standard.rmd
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'dialout_timeout', type=0, flags=1, data=90
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'beep_frequency', type=0, flags=3, data=933
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'beep_length', type=0, flags=3, data=1500
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'raw_data', type=3, flags=3, data=FALSE
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'max_tries', type=0, flags=3, data=3
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'retry_delay', type=0, flags=3, data=5
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'voice_shell', type=1, flags=3, data=/bin/sh
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'button_program', type=1, flags=3, data=
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'call_program', type=1, flags=3, data=
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'dtmf_program', type=1, flags=3,
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'message_program', type=1, flags=3, data=
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'do_message_light', type=3, flags=3, data=FALSE
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'do_hard_flow', type=3, flags=3, data=TRUE
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'force_autodetect', type=3, flags=3, data=FALSE
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'watchdog_timeout', type=0, flags=3, data=60
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'rec_min_len', type=0, flags=3, data=0
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'command_delay', type=0, flags=3, data=100
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'ignore_fax_dle', type=3, flags=3, data=FALSE
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'dial_timeout', type=0, flags=3, data=90
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'enable_command_echo', type=3, flags=3, data=FALSE
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 key: 'poll_interval', type=0, flags=3, data=10
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 check for lockfiles
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 checklock: stat failed, no file
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 locking the line
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 makelock(ttyS1) called
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS1'
02/04 21:13:48 yS1 lock made
02/04 21:13:49 yS1 tio_get_rs232_lines: status: RTS CTS DSR DTR
02/04 21:13:49 yS1 lowering DTR to reset Modem
02/04 21:13:49 yS1 tss: set speed to 38400 (017)
02/04 21:13:49 yS1 tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
02/04 21:13:49 yS1 waiting for line to clear (VTIME), read: 
02/04 21:13:49 yS1 send: \dATQ0V1H0[0d]
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 waiting for ``OK''
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 got: [0d][0a]OK ** found **
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 send: ATS0=0Q0&D3&C1[0d]
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 waiting for ``OK''
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 got: [0d]
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 CND: OK[0a]ATQ0V1H0[0d]
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 CND: ATQ0V1H0[0d][0a]OK ** found **
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 mdm_send: 'ATI'
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 got:[0d][0a]ATS0=0Q0&D3&C1[0d]
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 mdm_gis: string 1: 'ATS0=0Q0&D3&C1'
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 got:[0d][0a]OK[0d]
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 mdm_identify: string 'ATS0=0Q0&D3&C1'
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 non-numeric ID string: 'ATS0=0Q0&D3&C1'
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 mdm_send: 'AT+FCLASS=2.0'
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 got:[0a]ATI[0d]
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 mdm_command: string 'ATI'
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 got:[0d][0a]33600[0d]
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 mdm_command: string '33600'
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 got:[0a][0d][0a]OK[0d]
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 mdm_command: string 'OK' -> OK
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 mdm_send: 'AT+FAA=1;+FCR=1'
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 got:[0a]AT+FCLASS=2.0[0d]
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 mdm_command: string 'AT+FCLASS=2.0'
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 got:[0d][0a]ERROR[0d]
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 mdm_command: string 'ERROR' -> ERROR
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 cannot set answer/reception flags
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 mdm_send: 'AT+FBO=1'
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 got:[0a]AT+FAA=1;+FCR=1[0d]
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 mdm_command: string 'AT+FAA=1;+FCR=1'
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 got:[0d][0a]ERROR[0d]
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 mdm_command: string 'ERROR' -> ERROR
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 cannot set bit order, trying +BOR=0
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 mdm_send: 'AT+FBO=0'
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 got:[0a]AT+FBO=1[0d]
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 mdm_command: string 'AT+FBO=1'
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 got:[0d][0a]ERROR[0d]
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 mdm_command: string 'ERROR' -> ERROR
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 mdm_send: 'AT+FNR=1,1,1,0'
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 got:[0a]AT+FBO=0[0d]
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 mdm_command: string 'AT+FBO=0'
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 got:[0d][0a]ERROR[0d]
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 mdm_command: string 'ERROR' -> ERROR
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 mdm_send: 'AT+FLI="49 89 xxxxxxxx"'
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 got:[0a]AT+FNR=1,1,1,0[0d]
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 mdm_command: string 'AT+FNR=1,1,1,0'
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 got:[0d][0a]ERROR[0d]
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 mdm_command: string 'ERROR' -> ERROR
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 cannot set local fax id. Huh?
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 mdm_send: 'AT+FCC=1,5,0,2,0,0,0,0'
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 got:[0a]AT+FLI="49 89 xxxxxxxx"[0d]
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 mdm_command: string 'AT+FLI="49 89 xxxxxxxx"'
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 got:[0d][0a]ERROR[0d]
02/04 21:13:50 yS1 mdm_command: string 'ERROR' -> ERROR
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 mdm_send: 'AT+FCC=1,3,0,2,0,0,0,0'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 got:[0a]AT+FCC=1,5,0,2,0,0,0,0[0d]
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 mdm_command: string 'AT+FCC=1,5,0,2,0,0,0,0'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 got:[0d][0a]ERROR[0d]
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 mdm_command: string 'ERROR' -> ERROR
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 huh? Cannot set +FDCC parameters
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 tss: set speed to 38400 (017)
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 detecting voice modem type
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 vgetty: ATE0
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 serial port: AT+FCC=1,3,0,2,0,0,0,0
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 serial port: ERROR
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 voice command: 'ATI' -> ''
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 vgetty: ATI
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 serial port: ATI
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 serial port: 33600
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 serial port: OK
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 no voice modem detected: No such file or directory
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 vgetty: experimental test release 0.7.4 / 21Jan98
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 mgetty: experimental test release 1.1.12-Jan27
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 reading generic configuration from config file /usr/local/etc/mgetty+sendfax/voice.conf
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 reading program vgetty configuration from config file /usr/local/etc/mgetty+sendfax/voice.conf
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 reading port ttyS1 configuration from config file /usr/local/etc/mgetty+sendfax/voice.conf
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 reading /usr/local/etc/mgetty+sendfax/voice.conf...
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'part generic'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 found CT_KEYWORD part generic
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'voice_log_level 6'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'voice_dir /var/spool/voice'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'phone_owner root'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'phone_group phone'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'phone_mode 0660'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'message_flag_file .flag'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'receive_dir incoming'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'message_dir messages'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'message_list Index'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'backup_message standard.rmd'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'port_speed 38400'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'voice_shell /bin/sh'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'port_timeout 10'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'dial_timeout 90'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'command_delay 100'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'dtmf_len 30'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'dtmf_threshold 40'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'dtmf_wait 7'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'ignore_fax_dle false'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'raw_data false'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'rec_compression 0'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'rec_speed 0'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'rec_silence_len 70'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'rec_silence_threshold 40'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'rec_remove_silence false'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'rec_max_len 300'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'rec_min_len 0'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'do_hard_flow true'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'beep_frequency 933'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'beep_length 1500'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'max_tries 3'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'retry_delay 5'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'watchdog_timeout 60'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'receive_gain -1'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'transmit_gain -1'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'enable_command_echo false'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'poll_interval 10'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'program vgetty'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'rings 3'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'answer_mode voice:fax:data'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'force_autodetect false'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'toll_saver_rings 0'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'rec_always_keep true'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'button_program '
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'call_program '
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'dtmf_program'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'message_program '
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'do_message_light false'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'program vm'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'voice_devices ttyS1'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'dialout_timeout 90'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'program pvf'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'port ttyS0'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 section: port ttyS0, ignore
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'port ttyS5'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 section: port ttyS5, ignore
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'ring_type virtual'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'answer_mode fax:data'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'ring_type ring'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 conf lib: read: 'ring_type ring1'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'part', type=6, flags=4, data=(ignored)
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'program', type=6, flags=4, data=(ignored)
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'port', type=6, flags=4, data=(ignored)
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'ring_type', type=6, flags=4, data=(ignored)
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'voice_log_level', type=0, flags=3, data=6
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'voice_devices', type=1, flags=0, data=(empty)
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'port_speed', type=0, flags=3, data=38400
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'port_timeout', type=0, flags=3, data=10
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'dtmf_len', type=0, flags=3, data=30
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'dtmf_threshold', type=0, flags=3, data=40
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'dtmf_wait', type=0, flags=3, data=7
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'rec_compression', type=0, flags=3, data=0
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'rec_speed', type=0, flags=3, data=0
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'rec_silence_len', type=0, flags=3, data=70
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'rec_silence_threshold', type=0, flags=3, data=40
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'rec_remove_silence', type=3, flags=3, data=FALSE
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'rec_max_len', type=0, flags=3, data=300
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'receive_gain', type=0, flags=3, data=-1
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'transmit_gain', type=0, flags=3, data=-1
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'rings', type=1, flags=3, data=3
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'answer_mode', type=1, flags=3, data=voice:fax:data
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'toll_saver_rings', type=0, flags=3, data=0
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'rec_always_keep', type=3, flags=3, data=TRUE
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'voice_dir', type=1, flags=3, data=/var/spool/voice
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'phone_owner', type=1, flags=3, data=root
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'phone_group', type=1, flags=3, data=phone
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'phone_mode', type=0, flags=3, data=432
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'message_flag_file', type=1, flags=3, data=.flag
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'receive_dir', type=1, flags=3, data=incoming
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'message_dir', type=1, flags=3, data=messages
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'message_list', type=1, flags=3, data=Index
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'backup_message', type=1, flags=3, data=standard.rmd
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'dialout_timeout', type=0, flags=1, data=90
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'beep_frequency', type=0, flags=3, data=933
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'beep_length', type=0, flags=3, data=1500
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'raw_data', type=3, flags=3, data=FALSE
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'max_tries', type=0, flags=3, data=3
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'retry_delay', type=0, flags=3, data=5
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'voice_shell', type=1, flags=3, data=/bin/sh
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'button_program', type=1, flags=3, data=
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'call_program', type=1, flags=3, data=
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'dtmf_program', type=1, flags=3,
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'message_program', type=1, flags=3, data=
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'do_message_light', type=3, flags=3, data=FALSE
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'do_hard_flow', type=3, flags=3, data=TRUE
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'force_autodetect', type=3, flags=3, data=FALSE
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'watchdog_timeout', type=0, flags=3, data=60
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'rec_min_len', type=0, flags=3, data=0
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'command_delay', type=0, flags=3, data=100
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'ignore_fax_dle', type=3, flags=3, data=FALSE
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'dial_timeout', type=0, flags=3, data=90
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'enable_command_echo', type=3, flags=3, data=FALSE
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 key: 'poll_interval', type=0, flags=3, data=10
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 check for lockfiles
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 checklock: no active process has lock, will remove
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 locking the line
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 makelock(ttyS1) called
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS1'
02/04 21:13:51 yS1 lock made
02/04 21:13:52 yS1 tio_get_rs232_lines: status: RTS CTS DSR DTR
02/04 21:13:52 yS1 lowering DTR to reset Modem
02/04 21:13:52 yS1 tss: set speed to 38400 (017)
02/04 21:13:52 yS1 tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
02/04 21:13:52 yS1 waiting for line to clear (VTIME), read: [0d][0a]OK[0d][0a]
02/04 21:13:52 yS1 send: \dATQ0V1H0[0d]
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 waiting for ``OK''
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 got: ATQ0V1H0[0d]
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 CND: ATQ0V1H0[0d][0a]OK ** found **
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 send: ATS0=0Q0&D3&C1[0d]
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 waiting for ``OK''
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 got: [0d]
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 CND: OK[0a]ATS0=0Q0&D3&C1[0d]
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 CND: ATS0=0Q0&D3&C1[0d][0a]OK ** found **
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 mdm_send: 'ATI'
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 got:[0d][0a]ATI[0d]
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 got:[0d][0a]33600[0d]
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 mdm_gis: string 1: '33600'
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 got:[0a][0d][0a]OK[0d]
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 mdm_identify: string '33600'
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 Generic Rockwell modem (33600)
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 mdm_send: 'ATI3'
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 got:[0a]ATI3[0d]
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 got:[0d][0a]V2.000-V34_ACF_DP1 -h Z201-2800[0d]
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 mdm_gis: string 1: 'V2.000-V34_ACF_DP1 -h Z201-2800'
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 got:[0a][0d][0a]OK[0d]
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 mdm_send: 'ATI4'
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 got:[0a]ATI4[0d]
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 got:[0d][0a]a007880284C6002F[0d]
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 mdm_gis: string 1: 'a007880284C6002F'
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 got:[0a][0d][0a]bC60000000[0d]
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 mdm_gis: string 2: 'bC60000000'
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 got:[0a][0d][0a]r1005111151012004[0d]
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 mdm_gis: string 3: 'r1005111151012004'
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 got:[0a][0d][0a]r3000111170000000[0d]
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 mdm_gis: string 4: 'r3000111170000000'
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 got:[0a][0d][0a]OK[0d]
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 additional info: 'a007880284C6002F'
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 modem quirks: 0004
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 mdm_send: 'AT+FCLASS=2'
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 got:[0a]AT+FCLASS=2[0d]
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 mdm_command: string 'AT+FCLASS=2'
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 got:[0d][0a]ERROR[0d]
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 mdm_command: string 'ERROR' -> ERROR
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 mdm_send: 'AT+FCLASS=2.0'
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 got:[0a]AT+FCLASS=2.0[0d]
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 mdm_command: string 'AT+FCLASS=2.0'
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 got:[0d][0a]ERROR[0d]
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 mdm_command: string 'ERROR' -> ERROR
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 mdm_send: 'AT+FCLASS=2'
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 got:[0a]AT+FCLASS=2[0d]
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 mdm_command: string 'AT+FCLASS=2'
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 got:[0d][0a]ERROR[0d]
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 mdm_command: string 'ERROR' -> ERROR
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 no class 2/2.0 faxmodem, no faxing available
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 tss: set speed to 38400 (017)
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 detecting voice modem type
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 vgetty: ATE0
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 serial port: ATE0
02/04 21:13:53 yS1 serial port: OK
02/04 21:13:54 yS1 voice command: 'ATI' -> ''
02/04 21:13:54 yS1 vgetty: ATI
02/04 21:13:54 yS1 serial port: 33600
02/04 21:13:54 yS1 Rockwell: OK
02/04 21:13:54 yS1 Rockwell detected
02/04 21:13:54 yS1 vgetty: queued event RESET_WATCHDOG at position 0000
02/04 21:13:54 yS1 initializing ROCKWELL voice modem
02/04 21:13:54 yS1 voice command: 'AT#CLS?' -> ''
02/04 21:13:54 yS1 vgetty: AT#CLS?
02/04 21:13:54 yS1 Rockwell: 0
02/04 21:13:54 yS1 voice command: '' -> 'OK'
02/04 21:13:54 yS1 Rockwell: OK
02/04 21:13:54 yS1 voice command: 'AT#CLS=8' -> 'OK'
02/04 21:13:54 yS1 vgetty: AT#CLS=8
02/04 21:13:54 yS1 Rockwell: OK
02/04 21:13:54 yS1 voice command: 'AT#VSP=70' -> 'OK'
02/04 21:13:54 yS1 vgetty: AT#VSP=70
02/04 21:13:54 yS1 Rockwell: <DLE> <h>
02/04 21:13:54 yS1 vgetty: queued event HANDSET_ON_HOOK at position 0001
02/04 21:13:54 yS1 Rockwell: 
02/04 21:13:54 yS1 Rockwell: OK
02/04 21:13:54 yS1 voice command: 'AT#VSD=0' -> 'OK'
02/04 21:13:55 yS1 vgetty: AT#VSD=0
02/04 21:13:55 yS1 Rockwell: OK
02/04 21:13:55 yS1 voice command: 'AT#VTD=3F,3F,3F' -> 'OK'
02/04 21:13:55 yS1 vgetty: AT#VTD=3F,3F,3F
02/04 21:13:55 yS1 Rockwell: OK
02/04 21:13:55 yS1 voice command: 'AT#VSS=1' -> 'OK'
02/04 21:13:55 yS1 vgetty: AT#VSS=1
02/04 21:13:55 yS1 Rockwell: OK
02/04 21:13:55 yS1 voice command: 'AT#CLS=0' -> 'OK'
02/04 21:13:55 yS1 vgetty: AT#CLS=0
02/04 21:13:55 yS1 Rockwell: OK
02/04 21:13:55 yS1 voice command: 'AT&K3' -> 'OK'
02/04 21:13:55 yS1 vgetty: AT&K3
02/04 21:13:55 yS1 Rockwell: OK
02/04 21:13:55 yS1 tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
02/04 21:13:55 yS1 waiting for line to clear (VTIME), read: 
02/04 21:13:55 yS1 removing lock file
02/04 21:13:55 yS1 waiting...

