Strange vgetty behaviour

Frank Doepper (
Mon, 2 Feb 1998 18:32:56 +0100


Mariusz Potocki wrote:
> The problem: After playing greetings message and beeping, vgetty
> starts to record a voice message. But when remote phone disconnect
> or record timer expires, modem doesn't disconnect (so I have to
> kill process to stop recording). The strangest thing is, that if I
> use this same modem in faster computer it works properly (wrong
> when in 486DX33 but OK in P166 machine). After receiving faxes
> modem disconnect without problem. What shall I change to make it
> work?

Don't I know this? :-)
Haven't I got a 486DX33 too and a modem which does or does not hang up at
the end of voice recording?

I've been fighting against this for weeks.

I have tried to replace the "!" for ending recording with "!!!!!!!" or
with a crude '!' (without CR), and often it works, but sometimes not. 
I think, the magic "!" doesn't come through for some strange reason. We
have to PUSH it through the wire, but I don't know the secrets of
programming the serial interface/FIFO, therefore I don't know how to. The
poor and lonely "!" has to fight against a flood of data which is
received, and we really should help him (or her).

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