Fax class 1 support?

Mario Becroft (mb@tos.pl.net)
Mon, 2 Feb 1998 09:09:24 +0100

I notice that there are some files in the mgetty distribution relating to
class 1, but when I tried to use mgetty with the modem type set to class
1, it came up with numerous errors and didn't work correctly at all.

Is class 1 actually supported, or is work on this still in progress? And
if the latter is the case, is a version with completed class 1 fax support
likely to become available any time soon?

Mario Becroft    Auckland, New Zealand
mb@tos.pl.net    http://www.pl.net/~mario/ |\__/,| (`\
Tariland, Atari Support in New Zealand    _.|o o |_ ) )
tariland@tos.pl.net  http://www.pl.net/~mario/tariland/ --(((---(((--------
