USR Sportster Voice Sound File Format

Marc Eberhard (
Mon, 2 Feb 1998 09:25:12 +0100


Alain wrote:
> From: [Alain LESN_] <alesne@belouga.cetaces.loc>
> My (french) USR Sportster 28800 Vi works very well with vgetty since I
> have apply this patch (and some others..., but for others reasons than GSM
> compression) in 0.7.2 vgetty release : 
> ----- cut here -----
> --- gsm.h.ORG Mon Jun 16 21:41:13 1997
> +++ gsm.h  Sun Jun 15 18:48:38 1997
> @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
> typedef unsigned char  gsm_byte;
> typedef gsm_byte  gsm_frame[33]; /* 33 * 8 bits */
> -#define GSM_MAGIC d    /* 13 kbit/s RPE-LTP */
> +#define GSM_MAGIC 0    /* 13 kbit/s RPE-LTP */

Thanks for this hint!

> Indeed, it's works for me (for my modem, whitch is detected as a "USR
> Courier V.34(+)"), but this patch is not applicable to ALL USR Vi, because
> USRobotics says (in a file that i've downloaded on their BBS): 
> "in the voice product based on the Sportster 28800 Vi architecture, the
> head of the GSM frame is set to zero", but for "the future Sportster 28800
> Voice architecture, the format is the same as the Sportster Vi with the
> exception of the head of the GSM frame (...) the head of the GSM frame is
> set with the value 13 (or D in hex) instead of zero in the Sportster 28800
> Vi GSM frame." 

That's interesting. So I will change the code to accept both magic

> As this modem is wrongly detected as a Courrier (ATI0 --> 3366) but is in
> fact a Sportster (ATI3 --> USRobotics Sportster Vi 33600 Faxmodem), I

  {ati, "3366",   NULL, &US_Robotics},

It is detected as a USR modem! Are you taking about the mgetty
detection or the vgetty detection?

> don't know if it is easy for Marc to modify source code whithout breaking
> others modems...

Well it would be easy with the new layout for detect.c, but since it
is already mapped to the correct driver, there's no need for that.

> Like no detection of the DLE dialtone in voice mode. This point was
> corrected by a new EEPROM, gracefully send to me by US Robotics (they say
> at phone that they know the problem), after I spare many time to fix the
> problem myself without any success...
> And some others, like DLE q (SILENCE_DETECTED) when there is
> NO_VOICE_ENERGY (DLE s). This is very annoying with (cheaper) american
> modems that don't send calling tone when they dialout. Thus, I have alter
> the Marc's code to always trying data connection after some silence...

Did you look at the the rec_min_len option in the voice.conf file?
That should do the trick without changing the code.

> Hope this help... and sorry again for my english

Yes of course it helps. Thanks a lot!

Email: Marc.Eberhard@Poseidon.ThPhy.Uni-Duesseldorf.DE
WWW: http://Poseidon.ThPhy.Uni-Duesseldorf.DE/~marc/
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