pbmplus or any alternatives

Gert Doering (gert@greenie.muc.de)
Sun, 1 Feb 1998 17:52:17 +0100


Sebastian Fritsch wrote:
> I only found this pbmplus version from 91. This is making really trouble
> while compiling. And I don't know if I can fix the problems by myself.
> So my question is:
> a. Are there any alternative methodes to convert PS-Files to the faxable
> format?

Sure: for postscript, ghostscript is the right method (and pbmplus is
completely unsuited).

> b. If there aren't other methodes, did someone build a binary version
> for linux?

There should be binary versions on all major Linux FTP servers. Check for
"netpbm", which is about the same with just a few changes.


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Gert Doering - Munich, Germany      gert@greenie.muc.de
fax: +49-89-35655025    gert.doering@physik.tu-muenchen.de