Caller-ID in Germany

Farzin Atefi (
Sun, 1 Feb 1998 19:49:02 +0100

Marc Eberhard wrote:
> Hi!
> Farzin Atefi wrote:
> > I've read that it's now possible to receive/transmit
> > the caller-ID in Germany even if you don't have ISDN.
> > Can anybody confirm that?
> Yes, I heard that also.
> > Does the ZyXEL 1496 recognize it?
> I don't have any information of the way the data are passed from the
> Telekom to the customer. If they use the US method, then the ZyXEL
> 1496 will be able to detect this. If they use a different format this
> will not be possible.

Meanwhile I've discovered a gadget for sale from ELV which
is supposed to display and store the caller's phone number.
It's ment for non-ISDN lines, so the service ought to be
available from Telecom.

I tried to make my ZyXEL identify a call from an ISDN number
but it didn't work. Perhaps somebody else has time to try it,
too. Most probably we need some new firmware from ZyXEL if
it is possible at all.

Is there still someone from ZyXEL reading this list?

> > Is it possible to make vgetty answer immediately (after
> > the first ring, of course) in data mode depending
> > on the caller-ID?
> As long as Gert hasn't finished his long promised rewrite of the
> relevant parts of mgetty, this will be impossible. Vgetty is already
> prepared for this, but the options in the voice.conf file have no
> effect at the moment.
> Bye,
> Marc
> _______________________________________________________________________________
> Email: Marc.Eberhard@Poseidon.ThPhy.Uni-Duesseldorf.DE
> WWW: http://Poseidon.ThPhy.Uni-Duesseldorf.DE/~marc/
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> =xvd/

Farzin Atefi
Riegelhofgasse 6, 96049 Bamberg, GERMANY
Voice/Fax: +49 951 52305