USR Sportster Voice 33.6 problems...

Mario Becroft (
Sun, 1 Feb 1998 15:21:42 +0100


I have a USR Sportster Voice 33.6 Fax modem which I'm trying to use with
mgetty and vgetty.

Below is quite a long list of queries about some problems I'm having and a
few things I'm not sure about.

It seems to work ok for fax and data, but I'm having some problems getting
the voice side of things to work. I had to modify the detect.c to
understand the 3362 code returned by this modem, before it would work at

Using vm, I was then able to record files using the modem's internal
microphone and speaker and, after adding support for external speaker to
vm, I could also play them back via the external speaker.

However I can't get it working with the external handset. I plugged a
telephone into the telephone socket, but using vm -H reports that the
handset option is unavailable. After looking at the USR source, I realised
that the -m (external microphone option) actually accesses the handset on
the USR modem. But when recording with this option, I can hear the dial
tone on the handset stop as though the modem is using the handset, but
nothing actually gets recorded. And I can't figure out at all how to play
back using the external handset.

Also, I'm having some problems with the pvf tools. Converting from GSM
format results in an error about unknown format. Converting ADPCM to AU or
BASIC results in a horribly distorted file, but strangely, converting it
back again results in a normal sounding ADPCM file. Converting a normal AU
or BASIC file to ADPCM results in the same horrible distortion. What is
going on here? Is it just me or is this a known problem?

There also seems to be a problem in while configuring the modem for the
silence detection. The modem returns ERROR, although everything still
seems to work ok. Here's part of the vm.log file:

--- SNIP ---
02/01 20:53:08 detecting voice modem type
02/01 20:53:08 vm: ATE1
02/01 20:53:08 voice command: '' -> 'OK|ATE1'
02/01 20:53:08 serial port: ATE1
02/01 20:53:08 serial port: OK
02/01 20:53:08 voice command: 'ATI' -> ''
02/01 20:53:08 vm: ATI
02/01 20:53:08 serial port: ATI
02/01 20:53:08 serial port: 3362
02/01 20:53:08 US Robotics detected
02/01 20:53:08 US Robotics: OK
02/01 20:53:08 vm: queued event RESET_WATCHDOG at position 0000
02/01 20:53:08 US Robotics voice modem
02/01 20:53:08 This is a driver beta version. V0.4.b3
02/01 20:53:08 voice command: 'AT&H1&R2&I0' -> 'OK'
02/01 20:53:08 vm: AT&H1&R2&I0
02/01 20:53:08 US Robotics: AT&H1&R2&I0
02/01 20:53:08 US Robotics: OK
02/01 20:53:08 tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
02/01 20:53:08 voice command: 'AT#VTD=3F,3F,3F' -> 'OK'
02/01 20:53:10 vm: AT#VTD=3F,3F,3F
02/01 20:53:10 US Robotics: AT#VTD=3F,3F,3F
02/01 20:53:10 US Robotics: OK
02/01 20:53:10 VTD setup successful
02/01 20:53:10 voice command: 'AT#VSD=1#VSS=1#VSP=70' -> 'OK'
02/01 20:53:10 vm: AT#VSD=1#VSS=1#VSP=70
02/01 20:53:10 US Robotics: AT#VSD=1#VSS=1#VSP=70
02/01 20:53:10 US Robotics: ERROR
02/01 20:53:10 vm: Modem returned ERROR: OK
02/01 20:53:10 setting recording preferences didn't work
--- SNIP ---

Lastly, how do I set the record and playback levels? I could not see any
vm commandline options for this, and even the gain options in voice.conf
had apparently no effect. I notice in the USR voice modem documentation
that the #VGR and #VGT (speaker and microphone gains controls) are
supposed to work only in speakerphone mode. Does this mean the levels
cannot be set on the USR modem? What about the S46 register, does the
vgetty support setting this?

One more thing: I'm finding it a nuisance that this modem does not have an 
external microphone connector. I notice that the USR 56K voice modems do
apparently have such a connector, but will they work ok with vgetty? When
I have such a modem, will the external microphone/speaker options simply
access the external speaker/microphone as expected? (On my current modem
the external microphone option actually accesses the external telephone

About my system: I'm using the package on an Atari TT machine, that is a
Motorola 68030, under the MiNT OS, which is quite close to BSD UNIX. The
package compiled and installed with just a few minor modifications, and
apart from the problems mentioned above it seems to work fine. Although I
haven't significantly tested the voice functions yet.

Well sorry about the long mail. As I say I've just got vgetty and so all
the queries I have about it have all come at once.

Any assistance would be much appreciated.

Mario Becroft    Auckland, New Zealand |\__/,| (`\
Tariland, Atari Support in New Zealand    _.|o o |_ ) ) --(((---(((--------
