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Re: Problem with msdosmoo.exe -Reply -Reply

OK, now, all you need to do, is get a front end like a bbs that allows you
to run two modems at once....a fossil driver so when you shift back and forth
between the bbs, and the moo, it doesn't hang up, and a multi-tasker like
deskvue.... And you may be away.

On the flip side, I have decided to impliment a version of MOD0 for Dos, that
will have its own minimal crypt function, I am thinking about pre-releasing
that, probably concurrently with my next prerelease version of MOD0, mod0.1.3
in format.

Like before, this is a bare bones MOO, but because the file is considerably
smaller than Lambda, it should load more readily on Dos Machines, with less
than 8 Megs. The problem with memory you are having is probably due to the
fact that DOS does not have a swap file, and so the whole moo must be kept
in memory the whole time. The larger your Core, the more memory you are going
to need for it to run. The first time you checkpoint, the memory use doubles
and if there isn't enough slack, the computer comes crashing down.

If you are using a multi-tasker with virtual memory capabilities, the memory
can be swapped in and out while checkpointing, thus thrashing a bit, but
essentially getting the job done. Database Bloat, is a problem on Unix with
its swap file capability, so imagine how much more of a problem it is going
to be on a dos machine, and start small. Minimal is too small, I started 
there because I had to, I leave you Mod0, so you Won't have to re-invent
the wheel.

GRAEME SMITH                         email:
2536 138A ave Edmonton             

On Tue, 19 Dec 1995, 0bsidian wrote:

> Coolness....if you find out anything about multiple connections I
> would be very interested in hearing about it, okay?  We are small in
> number but beware...MSDOSMOO is growing *evil laughter*
> 0bsidian
> >>> Edward Goff <>  12/19/95, 03:06pm >>>
> I hate to kill ya hehe. but I can run it on a 386dx33 with 8mg :)
> hehe..  its the memory.. :) now if I could only get a way to have
> more than one  person on at a time. 
> The man with msdosmoo 


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