MOO-cows Mailing List Archive


Re: MOO for PCs? -Reply -Forwarded

I recently released Mod 0 of NewCore, since it hasn't yet implimented
the $Network stuff, there is no question that it is not Unix dependent
so it should work just as well with your MOODOS, as Minimal. 

OTH it's still pretty minimal, and would need a lot of work to turn into
a reasonable MOO. The idea of MOOdularity is to get away from the built in
limitations of the old style Cores that were built with Unix in Mind. So
DOS Apps are well within the Mandate of NewCore.

It can be sent MIME to your E-Mail box if you Email Me and ask for it.

Further, If you ask to be put on the Distribution List, or the new
ListServer, you will get information about it, and why it is being
developed the way it is. As well as periodic updates as it develops.

So far I don't have an FTP site for it.
so you will have to access it by EMAIL.


GRAEME SMITH                         email:
2536 138A ave Edmonton             

On Fri, 15 Dec 1995 wrote:

> At 06:20 PM 12/15/95 -0600, you wrote:
> >
> >On Fri, 15 Dec 1995, 0bsidian wrote:
> >> the response was this...
> >> 
> >> STARTING: Version 1.7.8p4 of LambdaMOO server
> >>           (Using single-user protocol)
> >>           (Task timeouts measured in wall-clock seconds.)
> >> LOADING: input-db
> >> *** Cannot open database file: input-db
> >[...]
> >> Directory of C:\MOO
> >> .                         <DIR>        
> >> ..                        <DIR>
> >> MSDOSMOO   ZIP               150296
> >> README     1ST                  769
> >> MSDOSMOO   EXE               213817  
> >> MSDOSMOO   DOC                  438  
> >> MINIMAL    DB                   334 
> >> README     MIN                 2892
> >> CHANGELO   TXT                44556
> >>           9 file(s)        413102 bytes
> >>                            210944 bytes free
> >
> >Well, you have to have a database in the directory called input-db which 
> >you don't appear to have.  The only valid entry would be:
> >
> >msdosmoo minimal.db output.db
> >
> >Check for the latest LambdaMOO databases.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> I am still fairly new to dealing with OS stuff, but it was my understanding
> that in order to do anything with the stuff at parcftp that I would need
> some flavor of UNIX.  If that is so then how would I get the new database
> stuff (short of re-writing it all in this minimal one) to work with the
> minimal one I have now? The whole point of this msdosmoo is that I can use
> DOS. (oh...btw I got it to work using the syntax you suggested....many, many
> thanks)  So...either I have a lot of progging to do or someone may know of
> an easier way.  
> One last thing...if anyone responds between now and Monday morning I would
> appreciate it being CC-ed to the addy since I am not
> yet subscribed to MOO-Cows from home yet (still waiting for
> permission...Majordomo says I gotta get approval from list owner) :0)
> Thank in advance for any assistance.
> 0bsidian wanderer
> 0bsidian@BayMOO, EdenMOO, LambdaMOO
> Tribe
> ^that's a zero :-)


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