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Re: MOO for PCs? -Reply

Goback and look at what you just sent us.. You tried to open the moo with 
a database name of input-db and there is no input-db in that directory. :)
you would have to do it.
msdoomoo.exe minimal minimalold

or you can just ftp a good one off the lambda site.. :)

On Fri, 15 Dec 1995, 0bsidian wrote:

> Greetings and salutations.  I would like to experiment with the
> DOSMOO stuff as well.  I d/l-ed the zip file and tried to kick it
> into gear and things got weird.  I don't have linux as of yet (try
> not to kick sand at the newbie scum) and would like to try my hand at
> starting up a MOO.  I am limited to using DOS/Windows stuff at work
> and home until I can get a bigger HD to put linux on (and that is a
> year or so in the offing).   Any suggestions to get this up and
> running would be highly appreciated.
> 0bsidian wanderer
> 0bsidian@BayMOO, EdenMOO, LambdaMOO
> ^that's a zero :-)
> Entry at prompt...
> C:\MOO>msdosmoo.exe input-db dump-db
> the response was this...
> STARTING: Version 1.7.8p4 of LambdaMOO server
>           (Using single-user protocol)
>           (Task timeouts measured in wall-clock seconds.)
> LOADING: input-db
> *** Cannot open database file: input-db
> here are the entire contents of the directory where I unzipped it
> (including the zipped file):
> Directory of C:\MOO
> .                         <DIR>        
> ..                        <DIR>
> MSDOSMOO   ZIP               150296
> README     1ST                  769
> MSDOSMOO   EXE               213817  
> MSDOSMOO   DOC                  438  
> MINIMAL    DB                   334 
> README     MIN                 2892
> CHANGELO   TXT                44556
>           9 file(s)        413102 bytes
>                            210944 bytes free
> >>> stacy.l.goodman <>  12/15/95, 04:34am >>>
> On 12/14/95 Brian Robke wrote:
> >since I don't have Unix or Linux on my computer, I can't. So I'm
> just  wondering if there
> >is a MOO that can run on a PC, and if so, where can I find it?
> Thanks in
> >advance.
> Yes, there is a DOS MOO available at: 
> FTP://
> I haven't tested it, so I can't vouch for if it works or not, so if
> you try it  out let me know!
> Chimera   (    or


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