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Re: Request for LambdaMOO 1.8.0

Thwarted Efforts comments on a suggest from Phantom:
>>I have a request for something to be put into the final release of
>>LambdaMOO 1.8.0: allow verb names in builtin functions to be numbers,
>>rather than strings.  If they're numbers, then they'll ALWAYS be
>>interpreted as the verb's number, rather than the verb's name.  For
>>example, say I had object $foo, with three verbs:
>Great idea... note to programmers: verbs are indexed from 0, not 1.

Phantom's request is already on my *short* list of things to include in
1.8.0, but please note that, like everything else in MOO, the numeric
indicies will be 1-based, not 0-based.  It will also be possible to disable
the current treatment of (0-based) numeric strings as verb indicies.


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