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Re: [1.8.0alpha2] Bug! (3)
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 1995 18:34:55 PST
From: Ahn Jin-su <>
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In-Reply-to: "<> from \"Giovanni -TheGIO- Carbone\" at Dec 13, 95 12:18:01 pmw"
> Hmm..Maybe it's a bug..but... can we see that line? :)
> Greetings,
> Gio.
Here it is.
>> ; #62.object_size = {0, 0}
=> {0, 0}
[used 2 ticks, 0 seconds.]
>> @measure new hacker
Measuring the sizes of Hacker's recently created objects...
#4:@measure (this == #2), line 31: Permission denied
(End of traceback)
>> @measure object #62
Checking size of Recycling Center (#62)...
#4:@measure (this == #2), line 14: Permission denied
(End of traceback)
>> @list #4:@measure
#4:@measure any any any
1: "Syntax:";
2: " @measure object <object name>";
3: " @measure summary [player]";
4: " @measure new [player]";
5: " @measure breakdown <object name>";
6: if (length(args) < 1)
7: player:tell_lines($code_utils:verb_documentation());
8: return;
9: endif
10: if (index("object", args[1]) == 1)
11: "Object.";
12: what = player.location:match_object(name = $string_utils:from_list(args[
2..length(args)], " "));
13: if (!valid(what))
14: player:tell("Sorry, I didn't understand `", name, "'");
15: else
16: player:tell("Checking size of ",, " (", what, ")...");
17: player:tell("Size of ",, " (", what, ") is ",
object_bytes(what), " bytes.");
18: endif
19: elseif (index("summary", args[1]) == 1)
20: "Summarize player.";
21: if (length(args) == 1)
22: what = player;
23: else
24: what = $string_utils:match_player(name = $string_utils:from_list(args[
2..length(args)], " "));
25: endif
26: if (!valid(what))
27: player:tell("Sorry, I don't know who you mean by `", name, "'");
28: else
29: $byte_quota_utils:do_summary(what);
30: endif
31: elseif (index("new", args[1]) == 1)
32: if (length(args) == 1)
33: what = player;
34: elseif (!valid(what = $string_utils:match_player(name =
$string_utils:from_list(args[2..length(args)], " "))))
35: return $command_utils:player_match_failed(what, name);
36: endif
37: player:tell("Measuring the sizes of ",, "'s recently created
38: total = 0;
39: for x in (what.owned_objects)
40: if (!x.object_size[1])
41: player:tell("Measured ", $string_utils:nn(x), ": ", size =
object_bytes(x), " bytes.");
42: total = total + size;
43: endif
44: $command_utils:suspend_if_needed(5);
45: endfor
46: player:tell("Total bytes used in new creations: ", total, ".");
47: elseif (index("breakdown", args[1]) == 1)
48: what = player.location:match_object(name = $string_utils:from_list(args[
2..length(args)], " "));
49: if (!valid(what))
50: player:tell("Sorry, I didn't understand `", name, "'");
51: elseif (!$byte_quota_utils:can_peek(player, what.owner))
52: return player:tell("Sorry, you don't control ",, " (",
what, ")");
53: else
54: if (mail = $command_utils:yes_or_no("This might be kinda long. Want
me to mail you the result?"))
55: player:tell("Result will be mailed.");
56: endif
57: info = $byte_quota_utils:do_breakdown(what);
58: if (typeof(info) == ERR)
59: player:tell(info);
60: endif
61: if (mail)
62: $mail_agent:send_message($byte_quota_utils.owner, {player},
tostr("Object breakdown of ",, " (", what, ")"), info);
63: else
64: player:tell_lines_suspended(info);
65: endif
66: endif
67: else
68: player:tell("Not a sub-command of @measure: ", args[1]);
69: player:tell_lines($code_utils:verb_documentation());
70: endif
Ahn, Jin-su email:
School of Electrical Engineering LambdaMOO: Deedlit(#103811)
Seoul National University, Korea
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