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1.7.8p4 panic

I got this panic under 1.7.8p4.  As far as I can tell from the log, no one
was on at the time.

Here's the version, with all the patches mentioned (first line of log):

Dec  7 05:21:32: STARTING: Version 1.7.8p4 (FUP 1.6, MPL 1.4, Remote Port,
Verbname match) of the Lambda MOO server

And here's the panic traceback:

Dec 13 09:03:26: DISCONNECTED: #-3101 on 16 to, port 110
Dec 13 09:06:28: *** PANIC: increasing ref count of 0x0
Dec 13 09:06:28: #116:measurement_task, line 47:  server panic
Dec 13 09:06:28: ... called from #116:measurement_task, line 79
Dec 13 09:06:28: (End of traceback)
Dec 13 09:06:28: PANIC-DUMPING on ...
Dec 13 09:06:44: PANIC-DUMPING on finished

I also ended up with a 512 byte core file.

While I don't think anyone has changed #116:measurement_task, here's the
relevant part:

   44:              unmeasured = unmeasured + 1;
   45:            endif
   46:          endif
>>>47:          $command_utils:suspend_if_needed(3);
   48:        endfor
   49:        who.size_quota[usage_index] = usage;

(before ya tell me to upgrade to 1.7.9, I've got problems with that, under
seperate cover :) )

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