MOO-cows Mailing List Archive
Re: Porting MOO objects
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 1995 01:18:06 PST
From: Bill Garrett <>
cc: Moocows List <>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
In-Reply-To: <>
> I was wondering, how hard it would be, if you had a list of the objects
> that you wanted to move, to redesign a system like @autoport to move a
> defined set of objects, instead of just one? Say like one of my Moodules?
Using Autoport Utilities makes the job much easier. This object allows
wizards to perform object porting from within other verbs. You could,
for example, write a new verb on $wiz that would connect to a predefined
source MOO, port several objects from there, and replace the existing
local ones with the new versions. Details of programming the Utilities
to do this are available by request.
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