MOO-cows Mailing List Archive


Re: ALPHA-TEST release of LambdaMOO version 1.8.0alpha1

or even on that note. a way to dump a secondary copy of a differnt name 
period.. just so that the info is n't lost..

On Thu, 30 Nov 1995, Wayne Bouchard wrote:

> > As long as folks are asking for stuff--
> On that thought.. ;-)
> a problem that comes up every once in a while is some really bizzarre
> episode leading to the removal of the directory that the MOO is
> running in.. usually resulting in the loss of the database.. One
> possibly usefull function might be to add an optiona argument to
> dump_database() that would allow you to specify the name of the file
> to open for the dump. If people are concerend about disasters, a hook
> could very easily be added in the code to prevent that file from being
> opened if it already exists.. forcing you to dump onto a brand new
> file.
> This would allow the wizard to dump the database, and then shutdown
> and restart normaly without losing information. (simply by specifying
> an absolute path as the name of the dump file
> eg. dump_database(/tmp/db.HELP)..)
> Anyhow, a thought..
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Wayne Bouchard                       __  __     ____  ___       ___ ____
>                    /__)/__) / / / / /_  /\  / /_    /
> Primenet System Administration     /   / \  / / / / /__ /  \/ /___  /
> (602) 395-1010   800-463-8386                  services for the internet
> FAX: (602) 870-1010, option 8
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