MOO-cows Mailing List Archive


Re: Announcing Cup-O MUD

Too many people associate the term MUD with the originator of the 
species, when people think MUD they think, 'where are the zombies?', 'how 
do i rent?', 'how come i cant kill you?'.
(Once, some mud had a link to a moo i used avidly a few years ago, for 
weeks people would connect and ask where to find 'zombies' and 'mobs', we 
eventually banned the site.)
I generally refer to the whole schmear of muds, moos, mushes, mucks, etc 
as M*, although MUVE is an new name.


On Thu, 21 Nov 1996, Jay Carlson wrote:

> Alex Stuart writes:
> > Cup-O MUD is actually one of the first Java-applet MUD/MUVE clients 
> [...]
> > The Cup-O MUD client is a fully functional client for Multi-User Virtual
> > Environments (MUVEs, aka MUDs, MU*s, MOOs, etc), and other line-based text
> > communication systems, written in the Java programming language.
> Why the new term?  Doesn't the existing word "MUD" describe the same thing?
> Jay Carlson
> Flat text is just *never* what you want.   ---stephen p spackman


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