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the @measure verb

In the latest version of the Lamba DB, when i type @measure, it returns
@measure object here
Checking size of Generic Bridge (#179)...
#80:object_bytes object_size, line 15:  Verb not found
... called from #4:@measure (this == #2), line 17
(End of traceback)

THe code for #80:object_bytes
 1:  "Algorithm:";
 2:  "  Base object takes up 13 words plus length of name.  (builtin
 3:  "  Each verb takes up 5 words overhead, plus length of its name,
 plus size of its code.";
 4:  "  Each property definition takes up 1 word plus length of
 property name, plus each property on the object takes up 4 words. 
 (Or, 5 per defined prop, 4 per inherited prop)";
 5:  "Note: each word is four bytes.";
 6:  foo = "delimit comments above from commented out code below";
 7:  set_task_perms(this:task_perms());
 8:  o = args[1];
 9:  b = this:object_overhead_bytes(o);
10:  vs = verbs(o);
11:  b = b + this:verb_overhead_bytes(o);
12:  for i in [0..length(vs) - 1]
13:    $command_utils:suspend_if_needed(5);
14:    vn = tostr(i);
15:    info = verb_info(o, vn);
16:    b = b + length(info[3]) + 1;
17:    "Request verb code in unindented, unparenthesized form";
18:    b = b + value_bytes(verb_code(o, vn, 0, 0));
19:  endfor
20:  ps = $object_utils:all_properties_suspended(o);
21:  b = b + this:property_overhead_bytes(o, ps);
22:  for p in (ps)
23:    if (this:property_exists(o, p) && !is_clear_property(o, p))
24:      $command_utils:suspend_if_needed(5);
25:      b = b + value_bytes(o.(p));
26:    endif
27:  endfor
28:  if ($object_utils:has_property(o, "object_size"))
29:    oldsize = is_clear_property(o, "object_size") ? 0 |
30:    if ($object_utils:has_property(o.owner, "size_quota"))
31:      "Update quota cache.";
32:      if (oldsize)
33:        o.owner.size_quota[2] = o.owner.size_quota[2] + (b -
34:      else
35:        o.owner.size_quota[2] = o.owner.size_quota[2] + b;
36:        if (o.owner.size_quota[4] > 0)
37:          o.owner.size_quota[4] = o.owner.size_quota[4] - 1;
38:        endif
39:      endif
40:    endif
41:    o.object_size = {b, time()};
42:  endif
43:  return b;

Thats all the code that has to do with that traceback.

                                                Matthew Schmidt

Lieutenant Picard                  
Officer of the FDS-Millennium      
Administrator of Titan Facility    
Office #2073                       
Head of FDF Star Wars MOO          


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