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Re: Metaroom

On 11/3/96 1:31PM, in message 
<>, Kipp the Kidd 
<> wrote:

> At 12:45 PM 11/3/96 PST, Michael Brundage wrote:
> >On Sat, 2 Nov 1996, Matthew Schmidt wrote:
> >> I have recieved the code for $metaroom on my moo. I made all the verbs but 
> i 
> >> keep getting traceback in line 27 of the verb 'find_object'.  Here is what
> >>the code is:
> >[snip]
> >
> >If you want to get help, then you need to include the traceback, since it 
> >tells what went wrong.  Just making a stab in the dark, I'd guess that 
> >the traceback said "Property not found" because you only got the verb 
> >code, and not the property definitions, and consequently you're missing a 
> >proprerty called "thing_indexes" [sic].  But that's just a total 
> >guess, since you didn't include the traceback.
> When trying to port this or a similar room, with my auto-port program, I
> often ran into properties set to 'E_PERM'... it could be that the program
> was trying to do a length(this.thing_indexes) when .thing_indexes was set to
> E_PERM because of some porting error.  Make sure the property is set to
> something that has a length, such as a string or list.  I recommend setting
> it to {}.
> - Kipp
> --
> I'm sick of writing signatures.
Your guess was good.  It worked.
                            Matthew Schmidt


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