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regexp trouble

At LambdaMOO (1.7.8p4):

;match("foo's chicken", "^%([^']+s?%)%'s? *%(.+%)?")
=> {1, 13, {{1, 3}, {7, 13}, {0, -1}, {0, -1}, {0, -1}, {0, -1},
 {0, -1}, {0, -1}, {0, -1}}, "foo's chicken"}

At Ghostwheel (1.7.9p2):

;match("foo's chicken", "^%([^']+s?%)%'s? *%(.+%)?")
=> {}

Am I violating one of the new regexp rules there?  I've tried adding extra
 parentheticals around [^'] and the lone period, just in case it digs useless
 obfuscation.  It still fails on Ghostwheel.

I use regexp extensively (perhaps more than I should, in the interest of
 compacting my code) in the Ghostwheel database.  I'm sure if there are
 more regexp anomalies, I'll find them...



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