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Re: Compiling on Linux

>>>>> "Joel" == Joel Thornton <> writes:

    Joel> Who, besides myself, thinks that "how to compile on Linux"
    Joel> should be put in the MOO-Cows FAQL?  This question seems to
    Joel> show up about every week and a half in the mailing list.

If you say how to compile on a Sun, you should also say how on a
Linux.  After all, there are probably more Linux boxes out there now
than Suns.

-----------  "...  And the men went up and viewed Ai."  [Jos 7:2]  -----------
Robert Jay Brown III  1 708 705-0370
Elijah Laboratories Inc;  759 Independence Drive;  Suite 5;  Palatine IL 60074
-----  M o d e l i n g   t h e   M e t h o d s   o f   t h e   M i n d  ------


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