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Re: Threatening of Gothic MOO

I for one think it is an excellent practice to disseminate such 
information.  And, you have to allow for a little bit of banter 
accompanying the post .. for pete's sake, if you've ever had your MOO 
crashed or hacked by some idiot, you are going to throw a little steam 
into your talking about it.

I also think it's kind of humorous to have someone by the name of 
'Ferretously Funky One' lecture people on maturity ;)

Chris Delaney
AKA: Barrett && Archwizard @ RiverMOO

On Mon, 28 Oct 1996, The Ferretously Funky One wrote:

> Date: Mon, 28 Oct 1996 17:36:29 -0800 (PST)
> From: The Ferretously Funky One <>
> To:
> Cc: MOO-Cows <>
> Subject: Re: Threatening of Gothic MOO
> Listing the player's email and site would have been sufficient. If I 
> wanted to see childish insults like that I'd log into a Diku MUD and 
> listen to their 5th-grade banter.
> Get a life, Brandon, and don't send that garbage to my inbox.
> I'm beginning to think the people running most MOOs are as bad as the idiots 
> running most MUDs -- handing out positions of power to insecure geeks who 
> get their jollies by threatening players and administrators with their 
> "cyber-power" and throwing temper-tantrums.
> You reap what you sow.
> -Melissa A. Durfee
> The (Original) Ferretously Funky One
>                                 _,-/"---,
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>        ; :::::  ::  "\      _/ ;;  "    _.../
>       ;"     ;;  ;;;  \___/::    ;;,'""""
>      ;"          ;;;;.  ;;  ;;;  ::/
>     ,/ / ;;  ;;;______;;;  ;;; ::,/  Melissa A. Durfee
>     /;;V_;;   ;;;       \       /
>     | :/ / ,/            \_ "")/     Dungeon Master of Finder's Dominion
>     | | / /"""=            \;;\""=   the Original MUrpg!
>     ; ;{::""""""=            \"""=
>  ;"""";
>  \/"""

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