MOO-cows Mailing List Archive


Re: Porting objects beween M

        Reply to:   RE>Porting objects beween MOOs

From: Ken Fox
>>Can someone point me to any utilities that available for objs between MOOs
>>(i.e. Autoport)?
>>I tried to access a URL for Autoport Utilities
>>( and received "File not
>>found".  Is there an up-to-date URL for Autoport?  Are there any better
>>utilities available?
>There are several solutions that various people have tried for this.
>One solution is for porting between two currently running MOOs with
>some arrangement of special players on each MOO and other solutions
>are for creating scripts or dump-files of objects that can be easily
>What sort of porting did you need this for?

We're developing and MOO at our location and running it at remote locations.
At certain release schedules, we want to be able to do something like:
  update_installed_moos {list_of_installed_locations}
This would then make a connection to the remote locations and send and
reprogram the modified objects/verbs.


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Date: Fri, 25 Oct 1996 15:01:31 -0400
From: Ken Fox <>
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Subject: Porting objects beween MOOs

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