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Re: @make-guest probs

> @make-guest test
> #57:@make-guest (this == #84), line 29: type mismatch
> (End of traceback)
> Now, I would be glad to try and work this one out by myself, but, however,
>  I don't know what `type mismatch' means.

Type Mismatch (E_TYPE) means that the code tried to perform an operation on a 
value which was of the wrong type (number, string, etc) for that operation to 
make any sense (trying to do division on a string, for example).  This
generally happens when variables end up being assigned something earlier 
in the code (such as an error value instead of a number) which wasn't
anticipated and checked for properly.

> A sampling of the code of #57:@make-guest:
> 27: else
> 28:   new = $quota_utils:bi_create($guest, $hacker);
> 29:   new:set_name(guestname);

Well, there's only one thing which could throw an E_TYPE in line 29:  the 
value of the "new" variable is something other than an object (you can't call 
verbs on things which aren't objects).  My suggestion is you find out what
$quota_utils:bi_create is returning (an error of some kind (maybe E_QUOTA?),
perhaps?), and why what it's returning isn't an object, and work from there..

     Alex Stewart - - Richelieu @ Diversity University MOO
            "Difficult answers lead to intelligent questions."


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