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Re: commands like " and ;

On Tue, 3 Oct 1995, Seth I. Rich wrote:

> >> How would I make a verb act like the " alias for say and the ;
> >> alias for eval?  There are two things I have to figure out about this
> >> problem:
> >> 1. How I would add a verb to act that way no matter where you were,
> >> like page, ie a global verb
> >> 2. How do I get the verb to take what is adjacent to the command as
> >> the args? (this is the hard part) I have been trying to get stuff so
> >> you can have your args not seperated by a space but this doesn't seem
> >> to work.
> > This is a pretty simple thing that is probably covered in the
> > programmer's manual.  I'll answer it, but next time, RTFM.  (F
> > stands for 'Friendly') :-)
> Mighty cocky for someone giving an incorrect answer.

Did he ask how ", :, and ; work?  No.  How they work doesn't matter, and 
he never asked.  He asked how to make verbs LIKE them, that work LIKE 
them.  I answered his question exactly, with that aside to tell him to 
read the manual next time, it explains it better.

Cocky?  I don't think so.

> > 1) Stick it on $player.
> (As an aside, $player isn't covered in the programmer's manual at all.
> $player, so
> far as the Programmer's Manual is concerned, is #0.player.  It acquires meaning
> in the context of LambdaCore or its derivatives, which are not covered in
> the manual.)

True.  But the manual talks about how to make verbs like this.  Rather 
than explaining it to the extent that the manual does, I just said how to 
do it in LambdaCore.



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