MOO-cows Mailing List Archive


resolving player request addresses

I have encountered a new character request problem that arise only for our
MCI-Telis kids. Due to weirdnesses in the way Campus MCI-Telis has set up
its accounts for us, students who attempt to get MOO characters are often
denied because the progr. "can't  resolve the name of the system they're
connected".  I imagine it has to do with the differences between the actual
source of the log-in and the named source or somthing.... i dunno. i dunno
much about networks and addresses. Anyhow, any way aroudn this?


Linda Polin, Ph.D.
Professor of Education,
Director, MA in Education & Teacher Credential Programs
Pepperdine University - Grad Sch of Education & Psych
400 Corporate Pointe, Culver City, CA 90230
FAX: 310-568-5755  

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