MOO-cows Mailing List Archive


Re: moving object w/in a verb

On Thu, 28 Sep 1995, Chris Black wrote:

> I have an object under a Wizard account and I am trying to make it  
> move objects within a verb, I have tried what the manual says:
> move(object,newlocation);
> but it won't work, I have tried many variations on this as well as 
> variations on moveto.  Now I wouldn't think it is a permissions 
> problem considering I am running this as wizard and I have tried 
> numerous different objects, what I am basically trying to get this 
> verb to do is get an object from someone's inventory and put it in 
> this objects inventory.

what do you mean?  I'm not sure I follow you.  Are you trying to move an 
object into itself?  If thats what you're doing, then good luck trying 
to do it.  The server won't allow such a move.

I assume you meant that the two vague "object"s are separate objects... 
if so, then I see no reason why the move shouldn't work.  Did you make 
the verb +d and see what the traceback says, if any?



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