MOO-cows Mailing List Archive
MOO Compression Code
Has anyone ever tried making any compression code? Maybe a
$compression_utils that you can pass a string to and get a smaller string
back that can be decompressed back into the original string? It doesn't
sound very difficult but I don't want to redo something that's already
been done. It would also be nice if it let you encrypt and decrypt strings
* Don Schwarz <> * PGP fingerprint: *
* * 6E 3E B9 38 CC C2 CA CD *
* ->Come to EnigMOO!! ( 7777)<-- * 4A ED 48 66 27 FA 1C 37 *
* Dark_Wiz @ EnigMOO, Clam_Boy @ AquaMOO, ***************************
* Dark_Owl @ EnigMOO, LambdaMOO, OutlawMOO, OutlawMOO, MOO2000, OpalMOO *
* PMC-MOO, PizzaMOO, RiverMOO, NovaMOO, ErasMOO, GhostMOO, MOOtiny *
* "Don't eat that, the spiders haven't hatched yet." *
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