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Re: list.c:461: Undefined symbol `_crypt'

> Folks,
> Still having problems compiling 1-7.8p4.  Think I'm pretty close but I 
> get the following error.  I'm compiling it on a FreeBSD machine.
> list.c:461: Undefined symbol `_crypt' referenced from text segment

Mmm, ./configure should have picked up on FreeBSD's need for -lcrypt at the
link stage.  Didja ./configure this?

> Any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Kenwrick

Oi, meant to copy this to the list first time.  Save this as foo.patch,
copy it to yer source dir and type 'patch -l < foo.patch'.  It gets
MOO.1.7.8 up on FreeBSD 2.0.5.

--- cut here ---

*** MOO-1.7.8p4.dist/net_mp_selct.c	Sun Aug 27 20:19:26 1995
--- MOO-1.7.8p4/net_mp_selct.c	Sat Oct 24 00:20:30 1992
*** 19,26 ****
  #include <errno.h>		/* errno */
  #include "my-string.h"		/* bzero() or memset(), used in FD_ZERO */
- #include "my-types.h"		/* fd_set, FD_ZERO(), FD_SET(), FD_ISSET() */
  #include "my-sys-time.h"	/* select(), struct timeval */
  #include "log.h"
  #include "net_mplex.h"
--- 19,26 ----
  #include <errno.h>		/* errno */
  #include "my-string.h"		/* bzero() or memset(), used in FD_ZERO */
  #include "my-sys-time.h"	/* select(), struct timeval */
+ #include "my-types.h"		/* fd_set, FD_ZERO(), FD_SET(), FD_ISSET() */
  #include "log.h"
  #include "net_mplex.h"


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