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Server Modification Suggestion

After browsing the server code, one can see that #0:do_command() (if it
exists) is actually called _before_ the command line verb. 

I'd really like a verb (say #0:do_after_command()) that would be called
_after_ the command line verb.  This should be easy; just put in another
run_server_task() call in do_command_task() in tasks.c, after the command
is actually executed. 


>From tasks.c:

... [from do_command_task()] ...

	    if (run_server_task(pi.player, SYSTEM_OBJECT, "do_command", args,
				command, &result) != OUTCOME_DONE
		|| is_true(result)) {
==> So we call #0:do_command() first, and unless it dies or returns a 
    true value ...

	/* Do nothing more; we assume :do_command handled it. */
	    } else if (p) {
		current_task_id = new_task_id();
		do_input_task(p, &pi, 0);

==> ... we go ahead and do the task ...

	    } else
		notify(pi.player, "I couldn't understand that.");

==> ... or cry ignorance.


==> And here, I would like to put in a second 

In my case, this would allow me to be able to spit out an list of verbs
available in the player's location, _after_ the output of an issued
command.  Anyone see any problems with this?  Pavel, any chance of getting
this into the 1.7.9 release? 


#Colin F. McCormick	      Freelance Programmer -- MOO & Unix specialist#
# GS/Lit/M d? p- c++(---) l+(++) u++ e++ m++(-) s+/ n+ h* f* !g @w++ t+ y? #


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