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Re: Builtins [LPMOO]

On Tue, 12 Sep 1995, Robert Leslie wrote:

>   - refuse to program the verb, but continue loading the db

Will result in loss of code, like people that used an ascii() patch in 
the LMOO but wanted to use a LPMOO feature instead.  We are too lazy to 
port the code!

>   - program the verb, replacing the unknown() with E_VERBNF:unknown()

Without reading ahead, I think this is the best idea... or you could add 
a new error, E_BFNF?

>   - program the verb, replacing the unknown() with "unknown()"

Pointless.  You'll not only get incorrect values, but the program won't 
even get an error returned from the function....

>   - allow any unknown() to exist, but always raise E_VERBNF upon execution


>   - allow any unknown() to exist, and bind the function at runtime; perhaps
>     redirect it to #0:unknown()

By far the best idea.  Then maybe raise E_BFNF if the verb isn't on #0.  
This will allow you to write some nifty things that seem like builtins, 
just to be compatable with other LambdaMOO builtins...

- Kipp


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