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Re: Please answer the News question
> @addnews (anything) to $news
>where anything is really # of message on *news. Nevertheless on my meeting moo
>I have to issue the command as:
> @addnews [# of message] to #61
Yes, you have to use the object number here. Something about the examine
verbs on $news must be returning it's name as "$news".
>$news on my moo is #61. Using *news doesn't work either. Is it supposed to
>work with $news (or, perhaps *news) and I have something set up wrong?
To use the *news syntax, you have to move the $news object to $mail_agent, like
@move $news to $mail_agent
then commands like the following:
>>5) If a message is old and you want it removed, do: @rmnews [# of
>>message] from *news
will work
This has to do with the fact that the $news is matched by su:match_object in
the @move call, but it's not being matched by the server in the @addnews
How all this needs to be said in the FAQ, I don't know, since it would be
nice if the FAQ didn't have the be changed everytime a new core came out
with $news being something different each time. Perhaps an explaination of
eval to find out the object number of $news and then using that in the call
to @addnews. Anyone?
______ __
/ / Andy Bakun _/_ / / ` /) /) _/_
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