MOO-cows Mailing List Archive


[PROG] Re: wizards and verbs

> > Not sure if this is the one your looking for but, @find :<verb_name> 
> > works real good
> that's a good one, but not what i'm looking for.  I want to type 
> something like "@owned-verb me" and get a list of all the verbs I own and 
> where they are. 
> sound familiar to anyone?

I'm not gonna post the 3 pages worth of code, so as to not spam 
the people who don't care:

You might need to grab the $string_utils:nn from$string_utils:nn

if your's doesn't handle lists the same way :nn does on E_MOO.

Note that the code could really lag if there are a large number of 
objects in the db (E_MOO is under 600 objects, so I'm sheltered), and
the objects that it searches on could be restriced if non-wizard, to
the descandants of the owned objects or something.  Use as you will.

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