MOO-cows Mailing List Archive
alternative logins
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 1995 12:13:55 PDT
From: (Linda Polin)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
This is not on the Moo-CowsFAQ or newbie-arch-wiz FAQ.
I would like to have two different login areas: one for our younger kids
that leads them toward a simpler, bilingual area; and another that leads
out to the main part of the MOO. I imagine perhaps two kinds of guest
login, something like:
co guest (reg.)
co 5thD (kids from the 5th Dimension project).
After they have chars. they can (or we can) set a default home that is in
some common area of the bilingual section of th MOO.
anyone? anyone? Bueller?
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