MOO-cows Mailing List Archive
2 hard programming questions :)
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 01:57:42 PDT
From: Joel Thornton <>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Well, here they are:
1. Does anybody have or know where I could locate an IRC slate for MOO,
or perhaps some documentation on the IRC protocol (in human-readable
format)? I am very interested in integrating IRC into MOO, and IRC's
"channel" model corresponds very well to MOO's "room" model.
2. Does there exist, or is it possible to, write a networking system for
MOOs which allows users from one MOO to enter another MOO through
some kind of portal system which allows, for instance, a player to
"go north" and end up in a room which is literally on another MOO?
I can see all sorts of security and programming issues on this one,
but at the same time, it seems like it could be a worthwhile endeavor.
All I've seen so far is multi-MOO-spanning communications FOs and
so forth. It seems feasible with the advent of MPL ...
Thanks for your input.
-- Joel Thornton <> Univ.Washington
Moo: 8888 PGP.EFF.Linux.#Chaos.S3M.Moo.ANSi.IcP.dse
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