MOO-cows Mailing List Archive
RE: numbers for new players
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 1995 11:50:27 PDT
From: Kathy Giordano <>
Resent-Date: Fri, 25 Aug 1995 09:06:04 PDT
Resent-From: Pavel Curtis <>
Resent-Message-Id: <>
Resent-Sender: Pavel Curtis <>
susan garfinkel wrote:
> is there some reason that isn't obvious to me why the e-mail sent to new
> players with their name and password doesn't also tell them the object-#
> of their character? it sure would be helpful if people who changed their
> name and password and forgot them could refer back to that note for some
> kind of useful information.
> planning to change this at pennmoo unless i hear a good reason not to...
> sg.
Many MOOs do that already. Just change the message in
$wiz_utils:send_new_player_mail to whatever you would like it to say. I have
even seen introductory information added to the initial mail sent to help
acclimate the new player to the MOO.
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