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Re: MOO cores
> Do any of you out there know where i could find a AppleMOO core or a IBMMOO core?.
> I have a moo allready but it is not off my equipment.
There are numerous cores out there, some of them being the LambdaMOO
Core, the JHM Core, and the ZenMOO core... Thats just to name a few. I
think what you're referring to, however, are servers that can be compiled
under IBM compatible and Apple (Macintosh?) computers. LambdaMOO has been
successfully compiled under Linux, SCO 86, FreeBSD, and various other
UNIX's for the Intel 8086 family of processors. It has also, to my
knowledge, been compiled under AP/UX and a couple other UNIX
implementations for the Motorola 68000 family of processors that run
older Macs. I don't know if it has been compiled under Mac's powered by
the PowerPC processor. Currentl,y LambdaMOO cannot be compiled under MS-DOS.
- MOO cores
- From: Bryan Snyder <>
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