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Re: List operations: (reverse range) (SERVER mods)
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 1995 15:47:25 PDT
From: (David Whitten)
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In-Reply-To: <> from "jesse montrose" at Aug 16, 95 02:59:39 pm
> At 11:27 AM 8/16/95 PDT, wrote:
> >While we're revising ranges for lists and strings, we might as well revise
> >the ranges in for-loops as well, as suggested by someone (sorry, forgot who)
> >in a previous post:
> [much snippage, before and after]
> And one more for loop wish..
> for i in [10..1]
> instead of
> for i in [1..10]
> tmp = 11 - i ;
I personally don't like this. If we have a 'implicit decrementing' loop,
I'd like to see a different keyword, like
for i from [10..1]
so the MOOlang can recognize what we are saying..
another interesting idea would be to borrow from poplog:
for i on ({list}) (where list = {e1,e2,e3...en} )
iteration value of i
1 {e1..en}
2 {e2..en}
n {en}
this is useful in some list processing code, but it probably can be simulated
with standard moo operations.
myself, I would like some easy way of knowing the 'iteration number'
that I'm currently on. when I use code like:
for i in ({list})
I many times need to know what index i'm at. so I code:
for i in ({list})
I can't use (counter= i in {list}) since the same element may appear
twice in the list.
it would be nice to have :
for i in ({list}) count i_counter
or something like that...
On another topic, with the discussion of FABLE, (which I haven't heard much
about recently) will the 'future enhancements' be done by Pavel or should
we form a MOO_cabal to keep development going forth on MOOlang and
MOOserver ?
David ( (rocky on Immaterial Park: 8888)
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