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Re: wish lists

At 12:50 PM 7/23/96 PDT, you wrote:
>On Tue, 23 Jul 1996 wrote:
>> Two things I'd like to see that would make coding much simpler and ehance
>> OO features of the language are:
>> a) allowing verbs to be called with the . operator instead of : operator,
>>    i.e. object.verb(args)
>Hmm... I don't really think this will simplify the MOO language. Two
>different operators ( : and . ) which do the same and at the same time one
>operator ( . ) which does two different things is not a good idea imho.
Also, with a for all practical purposes interpretted OOP system like moo,
doesn't an addition like this also add to the parser's problems, and slow it
down a bit? I would think so...Maybe not by much, but every little bit
counts when there are fifty people online...

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