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Re: wish lists

At 05:46 PM 7/24/96 PDT, Nate Massey wrote:
>  ;player:_last_connect_time()   => returns player.last_connect_time
>  ;player:_last_connect_time(time())   => sets player.last_connect_time to
>                                          be time, creating it if necessary
>                                          as a property owned by the perms
>                                          with only the readable flag set
>  ;player:_last_connect_time(time(), "rwc")   => sets player.last_connect_time
>                                          to be time, creating if necessary
>                                          as a prop owned by the perms with
>                                          the three flags set
>  ;player:_last_connect_time(E_NONE)   => deletes the property 
>                                          player.last_connect_time

what if you wanted to set a property to the value E_NONE?


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