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Re: [SECURITY] the basics? (was Re: force_input() and $do_command())

At 05:49 PM 7/7/96 PDT, Judy Anderson wrote:
>Hm.  Just occurred to me that the only way for a programmer to acquire
>a verb with !valid perms is to recycle emself.  This is a hard thing
>to do given all the security on chparent, recycle, etc., so perhaps
>this caller_perms thing isn't as dire as I first thought upon reading
>the message.  Any comments from those who've tried it elsemoo?  Am I
>deluding myself?  My true goal is to avoid doing an @grep on LambdaMOO
>for all the users of if (!valid(caller_perms()))...

well remember the problem with renumber(), when you renumber an object and
verbs belonging to the old object # get chowned to #-1.... course that's
kinda hard to do naturally, only if a wizard goofs or something...

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