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Re: eval / toliteral safety question

On Tue, 11 Jun 1996, Seth I. Rich wrote:

> Chuck Adams responds to me:
> >> Is there EVER a circumstace where
> >>   eval("return " + toliteral(x) + ";")[2]
> >> would not equal x?  Can anyone think of a situation in which this would
> >> represent an unsafe operation?  I've been trying to think of a value for
> >> x for which this expression could have side effects, but I haven't come
> >> up with anything yet, and I suspect I won't.
> >I can't think of anything, but why do you want an identity function?
> Well, I don't want an identity function really.  I want a verb of the form:
>   {start} = args;                 /* start = args[1] */
>   start = toliteral(start);       /* turn start into a string */
>   [...]                           /* do things to start which I can */
>                                   /*   guarantee to be safe */
>   return eval("return " + start + ";")[2];
> For example, say you want to change "Xythian" to "HunkaHunkaBurningLove" within
> a string or a list of strings, or basically anywhere it exists within a
> variable.  I could do some awkward recursive thing, or just:
>   return eval("return " + strsub(toliteral(args[1]),
>     "Xythian", "HunkaHunkaBurningLove", 1) + ";")[2];
As far as I can tell, that should work fine.  But if Xythian and
HunkaHunkaBurningLove aren't going to be hard coded into the verb you should
probably run them through toliteral() too.  For example:

  {start, search, replace} = args;
  return eval(tostr("return ", strsub(toliteral(start), toliteral(search),
         toliteral(replace)), ";"))[2];


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