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more efficiency questions

So one of the most commonly-called verbs on LambdaCore is :gag_p, which
contains (or, at one point, contained) a loop like this:

  for x in (callers())
    for y in (this.gaglist)
      if (y in x)
        return 1;

and I was looking at ways to modify that.  The thing which came to mind
was to try something like:

  c = toliteral(callers());
  for y in (this.gaglist)
    if (index(c, y + ",") || index(c, y + "}"))
      return 1;

and then the idea came to mind of making a regexp on the fly to do this.
So while I can count the ticks I wonder how this would hit the CPU.  How
do these things stack up?

Seth / Blackbriar
Seth I. Rich -
                                 There is nothing more precious than
Rabbits on walls, no problem.    a tear of true repentance.

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