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.db crash

We had a crash today, and it looks like our .d got a little corrupted. 
I'm including the .log file here. I can't get in with moo -e, so any fix 
will have to be a direct edit to the .db. Please advice! :)


Thu May 30 15:47:30 EDT 1996: RESTARTED
May 30 15:47:30: STARTING: Version 1.8.0p5 of the LambdaMOO server
May 30 15:47:30:           (Using BSD/TCP protocol)
May 30 15:47:30:           (Task timeouts measured in server CPU seconds.)
May 30 15:47:30:           LOADING: extensions ...
May 30 15:47:30:           (Using File Utilities Package version 1.8)
May 30 15:47:30:           LOADING: extensions ... finished
May 30 15:47:30: LOADING: Jungle.db
May 30 15:47:30: LOADING: Reading 280 objects...
May 30 15:47:30: NAME_LOOKUP: Started new lookup process
May 30 15:47:31: LOADING: Done reading 280 objects ...
May 30 15:47:31: VALIDATING the object hierarchies ...
May 30 15:47:31: VALIDATE: Phase 1: Check for invalid objects ...
May 30 15:47:31: VALIDATE: Phase 2: Check for cycles ...
May 30 15:47:31: VALIDATE: Phase 3: Check for inconsistencies ...
May 30 15:47:31: VALIDATING the object hierarchies ... finished.
May 30 15:47:31: LOADING: Reading 2084 MOO verb programs...
May 30 15:47:49: PARSER: Warning in #264:kill_task*s:
May 30 15:47:49:            Line 20:  Unknown built-in function: elsh
May 30 15:47:49: *** PARSER: Error in #264:kill_task*s:
May 30 15:47:49: ***            Line 20:  parse error
May 30 15:47:49: *** READ_DB_FILE: Unparsable program #264:5.
May 30 15:47:49: *** DB_LOAD: Cannot load database!

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